Don’t fake it baby…
The Far Eastern leg of David Bowie’s A Reality Tour ended with a final show at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wanchai, Hong Kong, tonight. The set list comes courtesy of a complete gaggle of BowieNetters: LordOfTheThings, SoniaH and LoveLow… Confirmed officially, as ever, by HNB (Handsome Nick B).
According to aforementioned Netters, it was a great show with lots of chat and hilarity from David, including a bit about young Nirvana fans approaching him at festivals and congratulating him on covering Nirvana’s The Man Who Sold The World, to which David would point out that he actually wrote the song…along with Smells Like Teen Spirit!
David also informed the audience after his usual “interpretative dance” bit in Ashes To Ashes that he had learned his moves half an hour previously in the street, surrounded by handbags! At some earlier juncture David also explained that he had in fact bought Iman a fake snakeskin handbag, a theme he continued after Slip Away when he stated that he hadn’t used his original Stylophone, but a cheap fake he had purchased earlier that day in Hong Kong! …or words to that effect.
Other bits included mention of the statue standing proud in the other-worldly city of Brasilia that, among other things, was part inspiration for The Loneliest Guy. There was more, but you’ll just have to wait for the boot…not that I’m condoning that sort of thing.
The 30-song set list was another goodie, who else gives such value for money nowadays? ..that’s what I’d like to know.
Hong Kong March 14th 2004
01 Rebel Rebel
02 Hang On To Yourself
03 New Killer Star
04 Fame
05 Cactus
06 All The Young Dudes
07 China Girl
08 Reality
09 5:15 The Angels Have Gone
10 The Man Who Sold The World
11 Hallo Spaceboy
12 Sunday
13 Heathen (The Rays)
14 Under Pressure
15 Slip Away
16 Looking For Water
17 Quicksand
18 The Loneliest Guy
19 Be My Wife
20 Sound And Vision
21 Breaking Glass
22 Fashion
23 Ashes To Ashes
24 White Light, White Heat
25 I’m Afraid of Americans
26 “Heroes”
27 Let’s Dance
28 Five Years
29 Suffragette City
30 Ziggy Stardust
HNB kindly sent in another of his holiday snaps, above, of David dressed as a fake local. For the approximation of the traditional Chinese costume he is modelling, David is utilising a lampshade (liberated from HNB’s hotel room) as a hat, Earl Slick‘s Dracula cloak as a lovely all-in-one thing, Mike Garson‘s Long Johns as the kind of things one wears on ones legs in Hong Kong, and finally, Sterling‘s sandals, (Sterling has to wear them due to severe athlete’s foot) as sandals!
It’s either that or a fake David Bowie pretending to be David Bowie pretending to be a fake local. I guess we’ll never really know.
Well, the fun stops there for a short while as David and the band take a well-deserved two week break, after which A Reality Tour continues in Philadelphia on Monday the 29th of March.