Got to keep searching and searching…
I’m back from two weeks of chillin’ with the family (apart from a three-day glitch last weekend) and it’s time to get this ball rolling again… or some other cliché to signal more action on these pages.
With all that time on my hands, I tried to devise a fair way of distributing some of the booty in the BowieNet Vaults. I think I came up with the solution.
I’m sure you’re all familiar with the game show theory: Points Make Prizes. Well, I’ve stayed with that simple notion and I’ve devised an equally simple way of collecting those points.
Your aim is to collect points to claim stuff from the BowieNet Vaults, which are fairly bulging with all manner of goodies from small promotional bits and pieces such as cards and badges, rarer promo CDs and signed stuff, and even items of clothing worn and signed by David Bowie himself.
Over the next month I will be posting a full pictorial inventory with point values for each item.
How to collect points
Above is an example of the kind of thing you are looking for. The tokens look like the example above, but with point values of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and an occasional mystery token thrown in for good measure. You’ll be able to collect points and save up for the bigger prizes or cash ’em in straight away for some of the less valuable items.
This was about the fairest way I could think of doing this to appeal to the whole gamut of BowieNetters here on BowieNet. All you have to do is find the hidden tokens like the above example. I’ve no idea how quickly you’ll manage this, so I’ll be releasing more and more over the coming months depending on how quickly you find them.
The tokens will eventually be dotted all over BowieNet, but initially I’ve hidden them in fairly easy to find places to test your powers of detection. Eventually I’ll be popping into chat and stuff and leaving clues there and on the MBs.
This means that even if you do trawl through the news, for example, the very next day there may be more tokens added that weren’t there when you looked… so your method is up to you. You can either hope to stumble upon points, or spend a lot of time searching for them.
How to claim your points
When you find a points token, right click on it and go to properties. For example, you will notice the example above is named: 0pts_sample.gif. When you have the file name, PM me with it and the location you found it. Use the file name for the PM subject line.
So you would IM the details of the above example token something like this:
File Name: 0pts_sample.gif
Location = 08.16.2004 NEWS
Each token will be awarded to the first person who claims it, which is why I think sending me a PM is the fairest way. If for some reason you are not able to PM me, you can e-mail, but PM is more reliable generally. Of course this means that you won’t know if you were even the first to claim, but I will post a list of point holders in the news at the end of each month. I will remove each token as it is claimed, but keep looking as new ones will be added all the time.
Non members will not be able to participate and the tokens will not be posted in free areas of BowieNet.
I think that’s covered just about everything… Good luck kidz, there are some great prizes to be had here and it’s an ongoing thing with the BowieNet Vaults being replenished regularly. There will still be other regular competitions alongside The Great BowieNet Give-away.