Time Out Poster Winner

In a corner of the morning in the past…

OK, OK… So I sent some of you on a wild Ziggy chase with this one, by linking to an eBay auction that listed the wrong date! (11.26.2004 NEWS: KENNEDY ON DB IN TIME OUT PLUS POSTER COMP)

But, as I hinted in my news piece, that wasn’t the only place to glean the info you needed. www.5years.com had the correct issue date of 18-24 October 1984.

In the event, I didn’t disqualify people that quoted the date from the eBay auction, (February 18-24) even though it was wrong.

However, we only had one Time Out poster to give-away, and the lone winner is BowieNetter kmussell, who will be sent the poster and a signed item too, (as the poster isn’t signed after all) as soon as they have furnished me with their address.

First Play Of Live Space Oddity On Mint Tonight

Commencing countdown…

BBC 6 Music DJ Marc Riley has been rewarded for his general Bowie-friendly broadcasting, with a world-wide exclusive first play of the previously unreleased live version of Space Oddity from the forthcoming reissue of David Live. (See Tony Visconti interview in yesterday’s news)

As you probably know by now, MINT, the popular show for record collectors and similarly keen music lovers, airs from 10:00pm UK time every Sunday night on the BBC digital music station, 6 Music.

Marc, undoubtedly a serious Bowie collector himself, talks about his passion in the current issue (December 2004) of Record Collector magazine, above. Here’s a couple of excerpts from his chat with Ian Shirley:

Are you an avid collector?

My CD collection is a beast out of control really. I would end up in a house full of shelves if I weren’t careful. The David Bowie stuff is where the ‘saddo’ bit comes into it. I’ve got a lot of Bowie albums that seem to be – generally speaking – collectable things. I’ve got three copies of the ‘dress’ cover. I’ve got a Japanese promo of Aladdin Sane, which is really rare. I’ve got the original Phillips Space Oddity, but I’ve backed off a bit recently because with Bowie it’s a never-ending road – and I got very far down it!*

What was your most memorable session?

We did David Bowie in ’99 and he came to Maida Vale. Mark and I were just going out to get a sandwich and Bowie came through the door. Me and Mark had matching suits and shirts and ties, and Bowie came over and started taking the mickey out of us. Then he said, “I don’t know what to do today ? has one of you asked for Drive In Saturday?” That was me. He said, “Well, we’ll do that”. And I go, “What!” Then he said, “I’ve got a list here…” and he had a hand-written list of all these songs he was doing live! Mark didn’t get a look in edgeways. I grabbed it and said, “You Can’t Help Thinking About Me (sic) – can we have that? That’ll be great!” Having Bowie in was just us both having died and gone to heaven really.

Elsewhere in the piece Marc talks about Marc Bolan, being a member of The Fall, how he fluked his way into radio, working with Mark Radcliffe, throwing away U2 promos and owning Lou Reed‘s Metal Machine Music on eight-track cartridge!

Marc also gave this very site a plug during a short Q&A with Katie Shimmon for the regular My Media column in the Guardian earlier in the week: New media: I go on davidbowie.com a lot because I’m a fan. And I go on eBay more than I should. Have a bottle of wine and go on eBay and it’s lethal.

So there you have it…you can tune in to the live online broadcast from the aforementioned kick-off time by clicking on the image above.

* Footnote: Despite Mr Riley’s claims of having got very far down the Bowie collecting road, he doesn’t even own the Ryko Sound + Vision wooden box. What serious Bowie collection is complete without that cornerstone?

Glamdammit Heroes Screening In Ny Tonight

Just for one day…

BowieNetter antonio has sent in details of another glamdammit do in New York tonight. Here’s the low-down:


twig the wonderkid and the astronettes will put their arms around your head whilst spinning early-seventies glam accompanied by glam-era video projections… david bowie’s 1977 nhk ‘heroes’ special screening at 10pm!!

saturday november 27th @ 11pm – no cover

nhk ‘heroes’ special @ 10pm – no cover

cinema classics
332 e 11th st
new york city

You can check out a larger version of the flyer by clicking on the image above.

Tv Talks David Live

Over 30 years old, the original UK press ad for Knock On Wood.

I don’t wanna lose the good thing that I’ve got…

I was trailing through some David Live stuff on my hard disc earlier today, (in preparation for some of the things coming up, like the listening party competition at Abbey Road and such) when I stumbled upon a brief Tony Visconti Q&A I did exactly a year ago today, but for some reason had never used…sorry Tony.

Anyway, most of it is still relevant, though the final tracklisting we talk about has now been restored to the original running order for both David Live and Stage (with some persuasion from this quarter) as outlined in my last news piece. (08/25/04 NEWS: DAVID LIVE AND STAGE REISSUE DETAILS)

So here it is, but please bear in mind that this Q&A is 365-days-old while reading it…


Tony Visconti answers a few questions regarding David Live.

BLAMMO: Early pressings of the original vinyl version of David Live state that the recordings were made over two days, the 14th and 15th of July 1974 at the Philadelphia Tower Theater. These dates were “corrected” for later pressings to the 12th and 13th, even though the five-night stint at The Tower only ran from the 8th to the 12th. What’s the truth? Do we know which shows were actually recorded? And, is there any way you can indicate which songs came from which show for this latest edition of David Live?

TV: I wished you asked me when I was mixing them, because the dates were on the tape boxes. I can confirm that the shows came from two nights only and they would be the last two nights, making it the 11th and 12th. It is logical to record the end of the run rather than the beginning.

I understand that you plan to include all of the songs that were recorded in some form or other. The Ryko reissue already had bonus tracks of Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, Time and the Band Intro. There is also the version of Panic In Detroit that appeared on the b-side of Knock On Wood. Presuming we get at least these tracks on this version, will we also see the inclusion of the likes of Space Oddity and any others we may not be aware of? On the same subject it is rumoured that Here Today, Gone Tomorrow was taped at a soundcheck… can you clear that one up too?

I have remixed every song played on those nights, including Space Oddity and Panic In Detroit. I can’t remember if Here Today was a sound check, honestly.

Staying on that same subject, I know there can’t be a strict running order for this as it was taped at more than one show, but what is the final running order?

I would have to refer to the analog masters to determine what the exact running order of the show was, but they have been returned to the vaults. The DVD sequence is the same as the original, except there is one long side on a DVD. The album’s sequence was different from the live show in one respect, because we eliminated Space Oddity from the original release because David sang into a telephone onstage and the sound was naff. We were able to clean it up with today’s technology. The new running order is the same as Rykodisk, except that Panic follows Time and Space Oddity follows Panic and ends the DVD.

(NB: Since the decision to return the running order to the original setlist, this answer is no longer accurate. Please also note that when TV says DVD, he is referring to DVD audio, not an actual DVD of the show!)

You’ve done a 5:1 mix for this version of David Live. Have you placed the listener in the audience for this one, or the band around the listener?

The band is wrapped around the listener with more emphasis on the front and the audience is also wrapped around the listener with the emphasis on the back. You can say that the band and the audience overlap. This is not unrealistic because in most big rock concerts speakers are placed alongside the walls of the venue. I also got the bass and drums really kickin’ this time around.

You’ve never made a secret of how poorly you thought this album was recorded, but still it remains a firm favourite with the fans. Despite your misgivings regarding the technical shortcomings, what do you think of it as a live album and a snapshot of David at that time?

With modern technology we were able to make this album sound 500% better than the original mix. We had the tapes transfered to Pro Tools and we were able to correct virtually all the technical faults. I mixed only in 5.1, but I derived an even better stereo mix from it, more kick ass than the original.

We know that some backing vocals were added after the fact, due to the loss of theater mics. It’s also common knowledge that Mike Garson re-recorded his solo for Aladdin Sane. Was there much else added after the event?

Most of the backing vocals were augmented by the original singers. Some of the time I was able to use the live vocals and the overdubbed vocals together. Mike did rerecord that solo but the original was wiped, it was only 16 track so I guess that was the only way it could be done then. I can’t remember why the solo was rerecorded. Also, most of the saxophones were rerecorded, I was surprised to learn. I think this was due to the way they were recorded live, it just wasn’t good enough quality. I was not the live recording engineer.

Were there any surprises when you went back to the tapes this time, or was it all pretty much how you remembered it?

Memories galore flooded back to me as the tapes unwound. I found it ironic that Garson and Slick are still in David’s band 30 years after the Tower album. Slick must’ve played hooky from high school to be on that tour.

Were you actually at any of the Tower shows yourself? What are your memories of this period Bowie?

I wasn’t at the Tower shows, but I attended a show in New York to get a feel for it. I think it was at Radio City. I was pleased and surprised that my friend Michael Kamen was in the band.

I’d just like to add that I think this presentation of David Live is a vast improvement over the original. Everything possible was done to preserve the integrity of the analog recording, but the realism of 5.1 is such an added bonus I recommend that everyone hears it in this form. I have attended several Reality concerts and the Tower album sounds almost as modern and vibrant as if it were recorded in 2004.


Thanx for that Tony. Stay tuned for more David Live news shortly, folx.

Kennedy On Db In Time Out Plus Poster Comp

Give it to me one more Time Out…

MP Charles Kennedy‘s love of all things Bowie has been well documented here on BowieNet over the past few years.

Well now Charles, leader of the Liberal Democrat Party here in the UK, has been quizzed about his Bowie fandom by Graeme Thomson for the ‘My Favourite Londoner’ column in the current edition of Time Out here in the UK. (Issue dated November 24 – December 1 2004)

The whole thing is too long too post here, and seeing as I can’t find it online, I think it would also be too naughty of me to harm sales of Time Out by posting the thing in its entirety.

However, here follows a nice excerpt to tempt you with in which Charles had this to say about our man:

He’s a lovely guy. I had a one-to-one meeting with him a couple of years ago in London, after a concert he did which became part of the ‘Bowie at the Beeb’ CD. I also saw him backstage after a show on his last tour, the one he had to cut short because of his illness, and it was remarked to me by other friends who were there just how impressive he is: someone in their mid-fifties performing energetically and to great acclaim for two-and-a-half hours, then spending the next half-an-hour working a room of maybe 50 people from all walks of life.

He’s got a take on who everybody is, he remembers people’s names and has always got something pertinent to say. That’s indicative of someone who’s very, very on the ball. He was talking to me about lain Duncan Smith’s novel [‘The Devil’s Tune’]. He had decided on balance not to buy it, and asked me if I thought he’d made a mistake. My advice was, given what I knew of his artistic interests, this would probably not buy pride of place on his shelf!

In the same feature, the magazine posted the above Bowie front covers they have featured over the past thirty odd years…except they missed the one below. (I have a feeling that that first issue is actually 1972, but I could be wrong?)

If you fancy the chance to win a very rare and quite lovely A1 poster of the 2000 edition, (see last cover on the right in the row above) all you have to do is give me the issue date of the London’s Rock Landmarks issue, below. The answer will be online for a few hours yet, and even then it’s possible to search for it later…is that not a big enough clue?

When you’ve found the date, send your answer to me at TotalBlamBlam@davidbowie.com with a subject line of “Time Out”.

Usual rules apply: must send from a BowieNet account or at least supply your BowieNet username…only one entry per member account, blah, blah, blah.

Competition ends Midnight on Monday and winner will be announced sometime on Tuesday… Thinking about it, the poster may actually be signed by DB, can’t remember right now. If it isn’t, I’ll chuck in a signed item anyway.

Happy Thanksgiving To One And All

Break open your million dollar weapon…

For those of you that missed it, David Bowie has wished a Happy Thanksgiving to one and all in his most recent message board posting.

In the same post, (entitled Google this !!) he has posted a clever little Google thing, which members can reach by clicking on the turkey above.

Db Back On The Mbs …with A Vengeance

I can still hear some pop… popular musics, and aftershocks…

As regular visitors to the BowieNet message boards will already know, David returned to the Bowie forum yesterday in a flurry of activity which resulted in sixteen postings from him and more general activity from the members than we’ve seen for the past 200 years!

Primarily he was recommending Funeral by The Arcade Fire (above right) while reconfirming his love for Secret Machines (above left) who he also enthused about in his last journal entry.

Here’s one of Sailor’s entries from yesterday regarding The Arcade Fire:



You must, simply must, buy it now, today, pronto. Quite the most beautiful, moving and passionate piece of brilliant song-writing and quirky performance I’ve heard in YONKS !!!

It’s called ‘FUNERAL’ (Merge Records) and nothing else (and yes, I’ve heard the new U2) comes close.

(Well, maybe ‘Secret Machines’ and their CD ‘Now Here Is Nowhere)

OK, OK, . .. I’m doing my diary about them both and some others, a sort of year end round up.


If you’re a BowieNet member and you’ve not yet read Sailor’s messages, click on either of the CDs above to get to the Bowie forum. Once there, you can also search username Sailor to see exactly what the man with impeccable taste has been posting.

Db Joins Lennon And Presley At Top Of Qicons Poll

Elvis is English and Lennon’s on sale again…

The results of the recent QIcons poll were published in a Q magazine special edition today.

Our man managed a very impressive third place, just behind a couple of his own personal favourites, John Lennon and Elvis Presley.

Here’s the Top Ten breakdown:

01 John Lennon
02 Elvis Presley
03 David Bowie
04 Keith Richards
05 Kurt Cobain
06 Madonna
07 Bono
08 Bob Marley
09 Joe Strummer
10 Bob Dylan

As well as the special edition magazine, Q will also be hosting a special exhibition to celebrate the QIcons.

The QIcons photo exhibition will open on December 3rd, with a special opening night on December 2nd, at The Proud Gallery in North London.

The exhibition will feature classic images of everyone that made it into the final 100 QIcons. The exhibition will be specially curated by legendary photographers Pennie Smith, Mick Rock and Gered Mankowitz.

Well done David…nothing less than you deserve.

Aladdin Sane Wins Bowie Album Cover Poll

Who will love Aladdin Sane? (17 per cent of you in the end)

As the votes approach one thousand (currently 997) I thought it would be a good point to bring the BowieNet Bowie Album Cover Poll to an end.

Even though it has dropped 3% since my last post, Aladdin Sane is still your clear favourite, with a huge 17% of the total vote and with 6% between it and the next closest contender, Diamond Dogs.

Somewhat surprisingly, Hunky Dory and Young Americans have both dropped out of the Top Ten to make way for Pin-Ups and 1. Outside.

I do appreciate how hard it is to choose just one sleeve, but, for what it’s worth, I joined forty nine others of you and gave my vote to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.

While not as immediately striking and iconic as Aladdin Sane, It’s good to see there are a few more old gits out there among you who understand perfectly well the special appeal of the Ziggy sleeve.

Anyway, here’s that Top Ten with numbers of votes in bold:

Aladdin Sane (1973) 171 (17%)
Diamond Dogs (1974) 111 (11%)
Low (1977) 99 (09%)
“Heroes” (1977) 70 (07%)
Scary Monsters and Super Creeps (1980) 65 (06%)
Heathen (2002) 58 (05%)
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972) 50 (05%)
Pin-Ups (1973) 47 (04%)
Earthling (1997) 43 (04%)
1. Outside (1995) 42 (04%)

(Others = 28%)

Although that’s the official end of this thing, I will leave the poll live for a while longer just to see if there are any great changes over the coming weeks. Thanx for taking part, folx…stay tuned for another poll shortly and a couple more competitions too.

Tony Visconti On Mint With Marc Riley Tonight

Just one of the reasons why Tony Visconti should be a proud man today!

Man I need TV…

BBC 6 Music DJ Marc Riley has yet another Bowie-related guest on his show this evening, some chap called Tony Visconti.

Tony will be phoning into Marc’s brilliant new show, MINT, at some point during the two-hour broadcast, which kicks off at 10:00pm UK time every Sunday night.

Marc plans to probe Tony about some of the less well-known areas of his career, as well as chatting about some of the more familiar artists like those Bowie and Bolan characters.

You can listen to the show live online by clicking on Tony’s Doo Wop (or is it Be Bop?… I never did know the difference) classic release from 1974… you never know, you may even get a chance to hear it tonight.