Kennedy On Db In Time Out Plus Poster Comp

Give it to me one more Time Out…

MP Charles Kennedy‘s love of all things Bowie has been well documented here on BowieNet over the past few years.

Well now Charles, leader of the Liberal Democrat Party here in the UK, has been quizzed about his Bowie fandom by Graeme Thomson for the ‘My Favourite Londoner’ column in the current edition of Time Out here in the UK. (Issue dated November 24 – December 1 2004)

The whole thing is too long too post here, and seeing as I can’t find it online, I think it would also be too naughty of me to harm sales of Time Out by posting the thing in its entirety.

However, here follows a nice excerpt to tempt you with in which Charles had this to say about our man:

He’s a lovely guy. I had a one-to-one meeting with him a couple of years ago in London, after a concert he did which became part of the ‘Bowie at the Beeb’ CD. I also saw him backstage after a show on his last tour, the one he had to cut short because of his illness, and it was remarked to me by other friends who were there just how impressive he is: someone in their mid-fifties performing energetically and to great acclaim for two-and-a-half hours, then spending the next half-an-hour working a room of maybe 50 people from all walks of life.

He’s got a take on who everybody is, he remembers people’s names and has always got something pertinent to say. That’s indicative of someone who’s very, very on the ball. He was talking to me about lain Duncan Smith’s novel [‘The Devil’s Tune’]. He had decided on balance not to buy it, and asked me if I thought he’d made a mistake. My advice was, given what I knew of his artistic interests, this would probably not buy pride of place on his shelf!

In the same feature, the magazine posted the above Bowie front covers they have featured over the past thirty odd years…except they missed the one below. (I have a feeling that that first issue is actually 1972, but I could be wrong?)

If you fancy the chance to win a very rare and quite lovely A1 poster of the 2000 edition, (see last cover on the right in the row above) all you have to do is give me the issue date of the London’s Rock Landmarks issue, below. The answer will be online for a few hours yet, and even then it’s possible to search for it later…is that not a big enough clue?

When you’ve found the date, send your answer to me at with a subject line of “Time Out”.

Usual rules apply: must send from a BowieNet account or at least supply your BowieNet username…only one entry per member account, blah, blah, blah.

Competition ends Midnight on Monday and winner will be announced sometime on Tuesday… Thinking about it, the poster may actually be signed by DB, can’t remember right now. If it isn’t, I’ll chuck in a signed item anyway.