Life Aquatic Comp Last Day And Day Four Winners

Wish I were a sailor, Crossing an azure sea…

Today is the last day of our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the wonderfully quirky and Bowie-heavy CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic. Thanx are due once more to the folx at Hollywood Records for their generosity.

But first, as ever, here are the randomly-chosen five winners from yesterday, who need to supply their full names and addresses if they’ve not already done so:


I don’t think I received a single wrong answer to yesterday’s outrageously easy question of: “Mark Mothersbaugh first came to prominence in the late seventies as a member of which band?”. As you all know, that band was Devo. Check out Mark Mothersbaugh‘s brilliant online site here.

On to that last question…The more observant among you may have noticed the lyric quotes I have used for each Life Aquatic item I have posted, all of which have had a related watery theme of some sort or another. I have listed all of those lyric snippets below, and your task is to find the Bowie recording that each one came from.

To make things a tiny bit more difficult, you are banned from using online lyric searches or, indeed, any lyric search at all. I will be able to tell if you have cheated, and if anybody does I’m going to tell David! Here are the snippets:

01 Wish I were a sailor, Crossing an azure sea…
02 Bending sound, dredging the ocean…
03 Be nice to the big blue sea…
04 Gonna make like a shark to be free…
05 Hey, bring me more fish…
06 Somewhere there’s an ocean…
07 There’s a Sailor who sings, Of the dreams that he brings, From the wide open sea…
08 Looking For Water…

This competition ends at 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) tomorrow (Saturday), and the final batch of five winners will be announced shortly after that…or as soon as my New Year hangover allows!

Send your eight answers to the above question (don’t forget to include your real name and address) to with a subject line of: TLA Day 5.

All the usual rules apply, one entry per day per BowieNet account (unless you are already a winner) and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

Life Aquatic Comp Day Four, And Day Three Winners

Bending sound, dredging the ocean…

Here’s the penultimate question in our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the superb CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic, courtesy of the very groovy Hollywood Records.

But, before that fourth question, here are the randomly-chosen five winners from day three, who need to send their full names and addresses if they’ve not already done so:


Well done. These clever sorts answered: “Pelé dos Santos who is the safety expert” to yesterday’s question, which, as answers go, was more than sufficient, and indeed, the answer that the great majority of you gave.

Today’s question is a cinch…

Question four: Mark Mothersbaugh, whose music is featured throughout The Life Aquatic, first came to prominence in the late seventies as a member of which band?

Each day’s competition is open until 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) the following day. In other words, this competition will end at 9:00am EST on Friday.

The fourth batch of five winners will be announced shortly after that, and the final part will go live at the same time.

Send your answer to the above question (don’t forget to include your real name and address) to with a subject line of: TLA Day 4.

All the usual rules apply, one entry per day per BowieNet account (unless you are already a winner) and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

Life Aquatic Comp Day Three, And Day Two Winners

Be nice to the big blue sea…

It’s day three of our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the superb CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic, courtesy of those generous types at Hollywood Records.

But, before that third question, here are the randomly-chosen five winners from day two, who need to send their full names and addresses if they’ve not already done so:


Well done you lot. You all answered Jaguar Shark to my question of “…which mysterious, and possibly non-existent, fish?” And yes, I’m afraid the shark is a fish, for those of you that thought it was some other type of creature.

As we’re half way through the contest, I’ve decided to make things a little bit harder, but it’s still very easy-to-find information.

Question three: Name the character that Seu Jorge (the chap who performs the Bowie tunes) plays in the film. And, what is his particular area of expertise, according to Steve Zissou?

Each day’s competition is open until 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) the following day. In other words, this competition will end at 9:00am EST on Thursday.

The third batch of five winners will be announced shortly after that, and the penultimate part will go live at the same time.

Send your answer to the third question (don’t forget to include your real name and address) to with a subject line of: TLA Day 3.

All the usual rules apply, one entry per day per BowieNet account (unless you are already a winner) and you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

Life Aquatic Comp Day Two, Plus Day One Winners

Gonna make like a shark to be free…

It’s day two of our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the excellent CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic.

But before I give you the second question, here are the randomly-chosen five winners of yesterday’s first part, who need to send their full names and addresses if they’ve not already done so:


Obviously the full cast list is a little too big to paste here, but I think pretty well everybody did manage to get at least eight correct.

I’ll continue in a gentle manner for today’s question… and to make it even easier, I can tell you that this is another question you can find the answer to on the official The Life Aquatic website…

Question two: In the film, Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) and his crew – Team Zissou – set sail on an expedition to hunt down which mysterious, and possibly non-existent, fish?

Each day’s competition is open until 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) the following day. In other words, this competition will end at 9:00am EST on Wednesday.

The second batch of five winners will be announced shortly after that, and part three will go live at the same time.

Send the answer to this second question with your real name and address to me at with a subject line of: TLA Day 2.

All the usual rules apply, one entry per BowieNet account…must enter using BowieNet e-mail or at least supply BowieNet user name…and all that stuff.

The Life Aquatic Soundtrack Competition Day One

Hey, bring me more fish…

OK, as promised, it’s the first day of our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the excellent CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic.

I’ll start gently…

Question one: Name eight cast members of The Life Aquatic.

Each day’s competition is open until 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) the following day. In other words, this competition will end at 9:00am EST on Tuesday.

The first five winners will be announced shortly after that, and part two will go live around the same time.

Send your first answer with your real name and address to me at with a subject line of: TLA Day 1.

Ken Scott Interview On Mint Tonight

If I did casually mention tonight…

BBC 6 Music DJ, Marc Riley, has yet another Bowie-related guest on his MINT show this evening.

Marc will be talking to producer Ken Scott, who, as I’m sure you are all fully aware, worked with David for the first half of the 70s.

Click on Marc’s lop-sided ear to reach the MINT web site where you can listen live online at 10:00pm (UK time) this evening.

The Life Aquatic Goes Nationwide In The Usa Today

Somewhere there’s an ocean…

It’s Christmas Day in the USA (and elsewhere actually) which means Wes Anderson‘s The Life Aquatic will be playing theatres throughout the land from today.

If you’ve seen, or will be seeing the film shortly, please feel free to send in a short review we can share with those that won’t be able to see it just yet.

Stay tuned to BowieNet from Monday, when we will be giving away five copies of the soundtrack CD each day from Monday to Friday. (See tracklisting here: 12.14.2004 NEWS: THE LIFE AQUATIC SOUNDTRACK CD OUT TODAY)

Here’s hoping your having a splendid Christmas Day…and here’s to a special 2005, to all of you, from everybody here at BowieNet.

It's Not Too Late To Send A Bowienet E-card

Trying to remember…

It’s Christmas Day and you forgot to send Auntie Ethel a card…Chances are she’s a big Bowie fan too, so what could be nicer for her than an exclusive talking message from David Bowie himself.

You don’t even have to fret about that lousy Christmas postal service. Simply click on the image above to view and send the BowieNet Holiday E-Card to a deserving, (even if previously forgotten) friend or relative now.

New Edition Of The Voyeur Out Now

It’s this month’s pick…

Those incredibly prolific Dutch folx who run The Voyeur fan magazine have another issue ready for your reading pleasure. As ever, here’s a hint of the content of this edition from the magazine’s very own Peter Smit:


The December 2004 issue of ‘The Voyeur’ is out now!

Like always International David Bowie fanclub ‘The Voyeur’ created another beautiful fanclub magazine filled with interesting stories and previously unpublished photographs.

In this issue of ‘The Voyeur’

Watch out for “The Voyeur”
Welcome to “The Voyeur”
Disheveled Dandy
(a very interesting interview ‘The Voyeur’ had with LICHEN’S Elise Five and Vincent Martinelli who designed David’s Reality tour clothes)
I used to be (An inside story of our meeting with Gail Ann Dorsey in Amsterdam)
Four beautiful full size colour pages
Voyeur Fanclub T-shirt
The Passenger
(All about the great book by Mauro Lupi and Danielle Pensavalle filled with photographs by Philippe Auliac)
DVD15 (a special edition)
The 2005 Voyeur Fanclubmeeting (preview)

If you want to get yourself a copy of the latest issue, visit the website at or send an email to


Dash that Christmas post!

Now You Can Become A Bowienet Blogger

Then I got the small blue box, And I didn’t know what to do…

Well it seems a great many of you have already stumbled across the newly-launched Blogs area of BowieNet. (Click on DISCOURSE at the top of the page to get to the Blogs button, if you haven’t already.)

This great new feature is now fully functional to BowieNet members, and even non-members can view member blogs. (Just thought I had better warn you about that!)

If you’re not quite sure what blogs are all about, click on the flashing thing above to find answers to the following questions:

What are Bowie Blogs?
Do I need to be a member of BowieNet to create my own Blog?
How can I access the Bowie Blog feature?
Can non-BowieNet members view my Blog?
Can I add photos to my Bowie blog?
What is a “BlogMark”?
I have a question or bug to report regarding the Bowie Blogs.
Is there a size limit when uploading pictures to the Bowie Blogs?

Being a brand new feature you may encounter teething troubles of one type or another. But, as you can see from the list above, help is never too far away.

Even though I’m a blogging virgin myself, (dogging, on the other hand…) I’m enjoying reading through the stuff you’ve posted so far. What a witty bunch you are.