Life Aquatic Comp Last Day And Day Four Winners

Wish I were a sailor, Crossing an azure sea…

Today is the last day of our five-day competition to win one of twenty five copies of the wonderfully quirky and Bowie-heavy CD soundtrack for The Life Aquatic. Thanx are due once more to the folx at Hollywood Records for their generosity.

But first, as ever, here are the randomly-chosen five winners from yesterday, who need to supply their full names and addresses if they’ve not already done so:


I don’t think I received a single wrong answer to yesterday’s outrageously easy question of: “Mark Mothersbaugh first came to prominence in the late seventies as a member of which band?”. As you all know, that band was Devo. Check out Mark Mothersbaugh‘s brilliant online site here.

On to that last question…The more observant among you may have noticed the lyric quotes I have used for each Life Aquatic item I have posted, all of which have had a related watery theme of some sort or another. I have listed all of those lyric snippets below, and your task is to find the Bowie recording that each one came from.

To make things a tiny bit more difficult, you are banned from using online lyric searches or, indeed, any lyric search at all. I will be able to tell if you have cheated, and if anybody does I’m going to tell David! Here are the snippets:

01 Wish I were a sailor, Crossing an azure sea…
02 Bending sound, dredging the ocean…
03 Be nice to the big blue sea…
04 Gonna make like a shark to be free…
05 Hey, bring me more fish…
06 Somewhere there’s an ocean…
07 There’s a Sailor who sings, Of the dreams that he brings, From the wide open sea…
08 Looking For Water…

This competition ends at 09:00am EST (2:00pm UK time) tomorrow (Saturday), and the final batch of five winners will be announced shortly after that…or as soon as my New Year hangover allows!

Send your eight answers to the above question (don’t forget to include your real name and address) to with a subject line of: TLA Day 5.

All the usual rules apply, one entry per day per BowieNet account (unless you are already a winner) and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.