The World Wishes David Bowie A Happy Birthday

Ziggy has his birthday cake, but most likely doesn’t eat a crumb!
David Bowie at the RCA pressing plant in Co. Durham in the UK,
January 8 1973. Thanx a million to BowieNetter Colinz for the pic.

I can’t trace time…

When one considers how long it’s already been January the 8th around the world, I think we’re about half way through David Bowie’s 58th birthday right now.

World time zones aren’t my strongest subject, but, January the 8th started somewhere near the Christmas Island of Kiritimati at some ungodly hour yesterday morning, and it will end sometime tomorrow morning somewhere around Anchorage in Alaska, where folk are just getting up on the morning of Saturday, January 8th! (It’s about 25 hours later in Kiritimati than it is in Anchorage…confused?)

Anyway, following on from an idea by BowieNetter Steph11, the BowieNet community has been wishing David well on the BowieNet message boards via a 20-page (so far) thread for hours now, and will no doubt continue to do so for a similar amount of time.

So, if you’re a BowieNetter and you’ve not already sent your birthday wishes to DB, you can do so by clicking on the wonderful image above, supplied by the very generous BowieNetter, Colinz.

Hope you’re having a great day, David, much love from everybody here at BowieNet, and here’s to whatever you have planned for us in 2005.

STOP PRESS: Received a communication from Heather M of the Speed Of Life fansite who pointed me in the direction of a non-BowieNet thread of well wishes for David on his birthday. If you’re not a BowieNet member, perhaps you’d like to contribute to the thread here.