In their secret fearful places they see their lives unravelling before them…
The BowieNet Blogs have proved popular with many of you, but it seems there are a fair few of you who haven’t joined in yet. There could be many reasons for this, but we have had feedback from some members who have said they would keep a blog if it wasn’t for the fact that folk outside of BowieNet could read them.
In an attempt to gauge just how big a problem this is, the latest poll addressees this very issue. Click on the DISCOURSE tab above if you want to take part…we can only act on this kind of thing if we have a clear idea of how you feel about it.
Meanwhile, the previous poll we ran got a pretty good response from you with a little over fifteen hundred votes. (See screen grab above)
We asked you where you buy digital music from. As you can see above, more than half of you that responded said you don’t buy digital music. I’m not sure if that means you only download music you don’t pay for, or if you just don’t download digital music. Perhaps we should have had another option.
Whatever, of the digital music providers we did list, iTunes is the clear winner with 35 percent of the vote.