May 29th Voyeur Fan Meeting Venue Change

Ch ch ch ch changes…

Well, the above advertisement still says everything I would normally have to say here…But, it’s been updated to include a venue change, since last we mentioned it. (03.26.05 NEWS: THINGS TO DO ON MAY 29TH)

Here’s the low-down from Mr Smit himself…

The Voyeur’s 2005 fan(club)meeting, ‘Amsterdam Oddity’, will no longer be held at the earlier mentioned AMP Studio’s.

It will now be held at ‘De Heilige Zeug’ in Amsterdam on the same day, Sunday May 29th. ‘De Heilige Zeug’ is located at the Warmoesstraat 121, only a five minute walk from the Amsterdam Central train station.

Click on any of the red Xs above to read more regarding this special event.