New Bowienet Poll And Old Poll Results

They’re just trying to see, All that we choose…

We’ve activated a new BowieNet poll that’s been suggested in recent months by a fair few of you, not least of all by BowieNetter carlislekeith, and indeed, BWW is currently running the same poll. It’s the chance for BowieNetters to decide their all-time favourite David Bowie studio album.

Obviously I have excluded live albums, compilations and soundtracks…apart from two soundtracks: The Buddha of Suburbia (for reasons I’m sure I don’t need to explain) and also Labyrinth, as over half its length is taken up with Bowie originals written specifically for the project…plus I know Labyrinth is very popular among a few of the crazy young female BowieNetters.

I nearly didn’t include Pin Ups, being an album of covers only, but I thought it was up to you to choose whether it should be regarded as one of Bowie’s finest when you decide whether or not to vote for it.

This poll will be a three-parter: Part one is the first fourteen albums from the very first David Bowie Deram album released in 1967, to 1980’s Scary Monsters. Part two will encompass the twenty years from 1983’s Let’s Dance to 2003’s Reality.

The third and final poll will be the winners of parts one and two to decide the outright winner.

Meanwhile, the previous poll we ran was about the most evenly split result we’ve had so far. (See screen grab above) With just over a thousand votes cast, you voted 56 percent to 44 in favour of making the BowieNet blogs available to BowieNet members only.

When one considers that non-BowieNet members are able to vote in these polls too, the result may have been even more in favour of keeping the blogs private among BowieNet members had it been a members-only vote.

Anyway, as close as it was, it seems we will be bending to the majority wish at some point in the near future.

To take part, click on the DISCOURSE tab above.