View A Snippet Of Blink Tv Version Of Nks Video

With the bubbles and action, The little details in colour…

When the New Killer Star video was first aired, many fans bemoaned the absence of the song’s creator among the colourful, and often surreal characters that populated the thing.

Well, now you can kind of get an idea of how things may have looked if David Bowie had starred in his own video, albeit with a King Of The Hill style cartoon look about him.

BowieNetter Enrico Pecori pointed me in the direction of a strange little minute-long “video insert” on the Blink TV website. Here’s some stuff from the site:

Video Inserts
A rapidly expanding element of our production business is the creation of video based content to run on the screens during the show. As video – in particular LED technology – becomes a more integrated part of the show itself, there is an increasing need for bands to create content that makes a difference.

We work closely with the show producers and lighting designers, and then tap into a sophisticated network of expertise, to tailor make visual imagery for a whole host of high profile tours.

And here’s a little bit of what they said about their NKS video in particular:

Bowie was filmed, then traced and animated – these animations were edited onto layered backgrounds to create a 3D hologram effect.

So now you know…click on any of the badly-drawn boys above to get to the action.