Waiting so long, I’ve been waiting so, waiting so…
As you may have noticed, we’ve been loath to give a release date for the 5:1 David Live and Stage DVD-Audios since we first announced that they would be produced almost a year ago. (08/25/04 NEWS: DAVID LIVE AND STAGE REISSUE DETAILS)
The delay has apparently been of a technical nature due to the size of the audio files which have needed very careful encoding. I guess this technology is relatively new territory, and I think you’ll agree that after waiting this long it’s best that the discs are exactly right.
At the moment both David Live (DVDA 874 3049) and Stage (DVDA 863 4369) are due for a November 14th release (15th in North America), though I wouldn’t be surprised if this date is revised by a week or two nearer the time.
I’ve not been told that any of the previous technical information has changed, so here it is again for those that missed it last time around. This is what each DVD-A will contain…
~ MLP 5.1 (for playing on DVD-A players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ DTS 5.1 (for playing on DVD-A and DVD-V players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ Stereo (new mix as per released CD’s playable on DVD-A and DVD-V players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ Photo gallery which will include images used on packaging, and scans of related record sleeves, press adverts and memorabilia.
So here’s to November, when you too can experience exactly what it was those lucky listeners got to hear at Abbey Road back in February. (02.14.05 NEWS: ABBEY ROAD PLAYBACK…BOWIENETTERS REPORT)