Db And Arcade Fire To Perform One Of Each Others'

Wake Up you sleepy heads…

As previously hinted, (08.10.2005 RUMOUR: DB WITH ARCADE FIRE AT FASHION ROCKS?) David Bowie will play a ‘special one off’ with Arcade Fire for Fashion Rocks at Radio City Music Hall in New York on September 8th.

David has confirmed that his own Five Years will be one of the songs performed with the band, and that he will also guest on their Wake Up.

Just how good is this going to be?

NB: Fashion Rocks will be shown on CBS in the USA at 9:00pm ET/PT on September 9th.

Bowie 'hours…' Hologram Contest Part 3

I’ll say “Don’t ask me…”

This is the third and final part of our contest that gives BowieNet members the chance to win one of five 40cm x 40cm exclusive holograms of David Bowie. The holograms have been made especially for us by Martin Richardson, the man responsible for the original ‘hours…’ lenticular.

See Monday’s and Wednesday’s news if you missed the first two parts, and click on the image above for a 2D animation of the 3D hologram you could own.

This final part consists of five fairly simple questions which you can find the answers to on the net very easily… though I’m quite sure the majority of you won’t need to rely on anything other than the wealth of knowledge crammed in to your pretty craniums.

On to the questions…

1 – Who wrote What’s Really Happening?

2 – Many of the tracks on ‘hours…’ were originally created for another project. What was it?

3 – Rex Ray was responsible for the graphic design on ‘hours…’. What other Bowie albums has he worked on?

4 – What is the name of Martin Richardson’s book of portraits in which David features?

5 – Which of the following titles was not a bonus track on one of the singles from ‘hours…’?
a) We All Go Through
b) We All Go To Town
c) We Shall Go To Town

I’m sure that was far too easy. Anyway, send your answers for all three parts of the contest to me by clicking here.

Usual rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account. Also, please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

The competition ends at midnight UK time on Friday September 9th, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Monday. Good luck, kidz.

Listen Again To Herbie Flowers On Mint

Where has Herbie Flowers gone?…

Just a brief snippet to tell you that if you missed Herbie Flowers on Marc Riley‘s MINT last Sunday night, you can still listen to the interview now by clicking on the image above and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

It’s a nice little piece that covers the recording of Space Oddity, Transformer and David Live. Herbie’s bit is about an hour into the show.

Bowie 'hours…' Hologram Contest Part 2

I found the secrets…

If the fact that this is part two of this contest has you puzzled, then it may be an idea to look back at Monday’s news. (08.22.2005 NEWS: BOWIE ‘hours…’ HOLOGRAM CONTEST PART 1)

This second part is even easier than the first. All you have to do is study the montage above and work out which of the four singles from ‘hours…’ is missing… Apologies to the very brillaint Rex Ray for the mess I’ve made of his artwork.

As I said on Monday, DON’T SEND IN YOUR ANSWERS YET, as I will be explaining how to send in all three lots of answers in the final part of the contest on Friday.

I should also reiterate that as it’s the holiday season, we’ll be giving BowieNetters who are away a fair chance to enter the competition by running it for a couple of weeks after we post the final part. The contest is open to BowieNet members only.

Bowie 'hours…' Hologram Contest Part 1

And I’m busting up my brains for the words…

Those of you that have kept an eye on the news items regarding Martin Richardson‘s exhibition: Time, Space and Movement, (08.03.05 NEWS: HOLOGRAM EXHIBITION TO INCLUDE 3D BOWIE IMAGES & 08.14.05 REMINDER: HOLOGRAM EXHIBITION STARTS MONDAY) will no doubt have been looking forward to this.

As I stated in the latter entry, Martin has very kindly promised us five 40cm x 40cm exclusive holograms that have been made especially for this three-part BowieNet contest. This is most likely the only way you’ll ever get a 3D David Bowie to enter your home, or indeed, up against a wall in your bedroom!

If you haven’t already, click on the still above to get a glimpse of how the hologram looks, a larger version of which is displayed at the Time, Space and Movement exhibition.

I decided to keep the contest ‘hours…’ related for obvious reasons, and without further ado, here’s part one…

The original standard issue of ‘hours…’ was a ten-track affair made up of the song titles represented by the list of anagrams below…except there are only nine titles in the list. Name the track that isn’t represented by one of the following anagrams…


Pretty easy stuff, eh? As I say, it’s a three-parter, and parts two and three will follow on Wednesday and Friday respectively. I’ll tell you how to send in all three lots of answers on Friday.

As it’s the holiday season we’ll let the competition run for a couple of weeks after we post the last question, to give people a fair chance to enter. The contest is open to BowieNet members only.

Scissor Sisters And Franz Ferdinand Do Bowie

You know my Suffragette City, Is outta sight…

The Scissor Sisters brought the 2005 V Festival to an exciting climax in Chelmsford on Sunday by teaming up with Franz Ferdinand for a “radically reworked” rendition of the David Bowie classic Suffragette City.

The Sisters were joined onstage by Franz Ferdinand, with front man Alex Kapranos and drummer Paul Thompson, helping out on vocals with Jake and Ana (pictured above), while Nick McCarthy played bass and Bob Hardy joined Del Marquis on guitars.

The onstage lunacy was augmented by a collection of giant Muppet?style creations dancing behind the performers…much to the crowds very obvious delight.

Franz front man Alex Kapranos told NME.com: ?I met up with Jake (Shears) a while ago in New York and we went for a drink one day. We were talking about how much we were looking forward to V and I said: ‘Hey, we should get onstage and do a song together, it?ll be a bit of a laugh’.

?We sent each other emails back and forward about what we should do. We?re both huge Bowie fans, so it seemed like an obvious choice. And ?Suffragette City? has such a to-and-fro vocal style.?

According to The Daily Record’s The Razz, the supergroup performed an impromptu version of the song backstage earlier in the day.

Db Talks Jazz On Radio 2 Next Month

David ‘cool as a cucumber’ Bowie waiting to take a
solo at a secret Wimbledon Jazz Club gig in 2002. Nice!

I am the best jazz you’ve ever heard…

David Bowie is the very special guest of top jazz saxophonist, Courtney Pine, next month. David chats with Courtney about jazz in general and his first encounters with the exciting music form.

Courtney’s show, Jazz Crusade, airs on Monday nights and this current run is the eighth series of his specialist programme.

However, the particular broadcast you are most likely to be interested in will air on Monday 5th September from 21:03 to 22:00 on BBC Radio 2.

If you can’t tune in in the UK, simply click on David’s enormous horn* in the pic above for a link to the listen live button where you can hear the interview via the world-wide information super-highway.

* See yesterday’s news for an apology for the rather predictable double entendre.

Db On Two Movie Comp Cds, Plus Dick Out Today!

You must see the movie…

Bowie tunes feature on two recent CD compilations that I know the completists among you like to be kept informed about. First up is a double CD, HOLLYWOOD COOL which features “cool cuts from the movies”.

The following three Bowie-related tunes are included on disc one:

Rebel Rebel – David Bowie [Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle]
Under Pressure – David Bowie/Queen [Grosse Pointe Blank]
Lust For Life – Iggy Pop [Trainspotting]

Not an essential release, I know, but if you want the Rebel Rebel remake on CD you may feel this album is a better compilation than the Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle soundtrack. Obviously the 30th Anniversary 2CD edition of Diamond Dogs also contains the track on the bonus disc, and is a better bet than both these compilations in the unlikely event that you don’t already have it. Speaking of Diamond Dogs

Next up is the soundtrack of the Australian film, Three Dollars, details of which were sent in by BowieNetter Adam D who runs the excellent Bowie Downunder site. Released through ABC Classics, the soundtrack kicks off with the quite haunting and very beautiful We Are The Dead from 1974’s aforementioned Diamond Dogs. Here’s a bit from the makers, which was also supplied by Adam:

“The screenplay had what you could call a naive optimism when mentioning specific songs and performers that included Elvis, Joy Division, Chet Baker and Bowie – Australian films just don’t have the budgets to afford performers at that level, but a nothing is impossible attitude from our music supervisor Michaela Kalowski, and strong enthusiasm towards the film from the music industry, helped us over the line. So we have finally have a soundtrack with Joy Division’s ‘Transmission’, Bowie’s ‘We Are The Dead’ from Diamond Dogs (Eddie as a child quotes from the lyrics “Be elusive, but don’t walk far”), Elvis Presley’s version of Joe South’s ‘Walk A Mile In My Shoes’, and Chet Baker’s ‘My Funny Valentine’.”

Here’s the sleeve and the full album tracklisting:

01 DAVID BOWIE: We Are The Dead (David Bowie)
02 GELBISON: Keep It Clean (E and N Kahn)
03 JOY DIVISION: Transmission (Joy Division)
04 DORIS SVENSSON: Whispering Pines (Robbie Robertson/Richard Manuel)
05 ELVIS PRESLEY: Walk A Mile In My Shoes (Joe South)
06 CHET BAKER: My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers/Lorenz Hart)
07 DIED PRETTY: Sweetheart (Ronald Peno/ Brett Myers)
08 ICE NINE: This Is Noam (Adrian Lanker)
09 JOLIE HOLLAND: Darlin Ukelele (Jolie Holland)
10 Three Dollars – Titles (Alan John)
11 Ode to Joy featuring Miritana Hughes vocals, and Llew Kiek ukelele (Alan John)
12 Claremont’s Land (Alan John)
13 Fading Light/Crossroads/Overtime (Alan John)
14 Through with Love featuring Phillip Slater trumpet (Alan John)
15 Alfred’s Money (Alan John)
16 Deadlands (Alan John)
17 Abby (Alan John)
18 Integrity The Sacking/Spiraldown/Bin search (Alan John)
19 The Bashing/Three Dollars – Coda (Alan John)

Finally, today also sees the release of the Region 1 triple DVD set: The Dick Cavett Show: Rock Icons, that was put back a couple of weeks from the original date we gave you back in May. (05.23.05 NEWS: DICK CAVETT DVD DETAILS, PLUS NO IOW DVD) Please accept my apologies for the extremely childish and unnecessarily rude headline, but how could I resist such a lovely double entendre.

Hologram Exhibition Starts Monday

I’m the future, I’m tomorrow…

A brief reminder that Martin Richardson‘s exhibition: Time, Space and Movement, opens at Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery in the UK, from tomorrow morning, Monday, August 15th.

We told you all about Martin’s work and the exhibition a couple of weeks ago, (08.03.05 NEWS: HOLOGRAM EXHIBITION TO INCLUDE 3D BOWIE IMAGES) but, for those of you that can’t get along to the exhibition, the good news is that you can still enter to win one of five 40cm x 40cm exclusive holograms made especially for a BowieNet contest.

The contest will begin next Monday the 22nd. Meanwhile, click on the still above to get a glimpse of how the thing will look, and indeed, how the hologram in the exhibition looks.

Obviously you won’t be able to get a measure of the 3-dimensional depth, but it’s a bit of fun anyway.

See aforementioned news item for more detail regarding the Time, Space and Movement exhibition.

Little Lexi Is Five Today!

When I’m Five…

Can you believe that Alexandria Zahra Jones is already five-years old today? Where does the time go?

Hope you have a lovely day with the stick figures, Lexi, and may I take this opportunity to wish you a most joyful fifth birthday from myself and everyone here at BowieNet.

It’s all uphill from here on in girl.