December Edition Of The Voyeur Out Now

While colour lights up your face…

Those of you that subscribe to The Voyeur fan magazine are no doubt already frantically digging through an avalanche of Christmas Cards as they tumble through your letterbox, in search of the December issue.

Those of you that don’t subscribe should read on to see if the magazine’s very persuasive Peter Smit can convince you of your error…


The December 2005 issue of ‘The Voyeur’ is out now!

Like always in our December issue the centrefold contains rare full colour Bowie photographs.

In this issue of “The Voyeur”:

~ Watch out for “The Voyeur”
~ Welcome to “The Voyeur”
~ All fake?
(about genuine and fake David Bowie stamps)
~ About the cover (The man who sold the world)
~ ‘Outrageous’ (Part 2 of an interview by Playboy’s Cameron Crow)
~ Four page full colour David Bowie centrefold
~ Sigma Kids
(An inside story by Sigma kid Marla Kanevsky)
~ Speed Of Life (About David’s Borsalino hat from TMWFTE)

More details about the new edition and information on how to become a member can be found on the homepage at


Some of you may recognise the name of Marla Kanevsky as the real name of one of BowieNet’s longest serving members and real-life original Sigma Kid, zelvis. Be prepared to be overwhelmed by waves of envy as Marla recounts her experience of thirty years ago in excitingly vivid detail.

It’s a story we’ve covered on these pages a couple of times, (07/25/02 NEWS: BOWIE PRESS BLITZ CONTINUES & 12.07.2003 NEWS: BOWIENETTER ZELVIS RECALLS HER 30 YEAR FANDOM) but it still makes for a great read.

Also, as Peter says above, look out for the seasonal four page colour pullout that contains big versions of those pictures of David taken by Fernando Aceves, (at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City) in 1997 that has been selling.