Indy Tips Duncan Jones As Media Star Of 2006

A keen young Zowie Bowie commandeers his dad’s camera somewhere around the mid-
seventies, and shares his father’s penchant for the eye-catching colours of the time, too!

‘Cos we believe in you…

The Independent newspaper in the UK has published a list of who its panel of experts consider will be the media stars of 2006. The chap behind the black and white Sony reel-to-reel in the picture above gets a glowing report from the founder of the BMB Agency, Trevor Beattie, and here’s what he had to say…


Inside Story: The media stars of 2006 – We asked our panel of experts from every sector of the industry to name the people they predict will make the most impact in the next 12 months. Compiled by Sophie Morris


Duncan Jones, 34, director

“Duncan Jones is an outstanding person who will be a star next year. He is David Bowie’s son – he was Zowie Bowie, famously, then he became Joe Bowie, and now he’s plain Duncan Jones. I’ve just hired him and I’d say by trade he’s a film director but he also designs computer games so he’s a real techno-wizard. He’s got a movie screenplay on the go and he’s already directed an epic three-and-a-half minute advert for us for McCain when we were at TBWA last year. He’s currently working on what I think will be one of next year’s commercials of the year.

He was working with a production company called Frank Films and the producer came in and said to me, “I want you to see a reel and I’m not going to tell you who it is.” He showed me this reel and I said, “That’s the most inventive thing I’ve seen in years, I want to work with this person.” It was a really clever way of doing it as the work stood for itself.

He is the nicest person you’ll ever meet. He’s such a genuine guy and he’s intent on making it in his own right. I see him as a major talent. We’ve got him for now but I’m sure Hollywood will beckon for him eventually. He’s a new generation of creative in that you can’t badge him. I wouldn’t call him a copywriter or an art director; he’s a creator, whether it’s directing commercials or having ideas or writing stories. It’s just really exciting to have him around, he’s terrific.”


Congratulations Duncan, I have a feeling you have made a certain somebody very proud indeed.

Elsewhere in the list, Mark Borkowski of Borkowski PR has great things to say about the very charming Alan Edwards, the man behind The Outside Organisation. Well done to you too, Alan.

Click on The Independent logo above to read the entire piece.