Bowie Sleeves Help Create New Works Of Art

“Keep cool, Diamond Dogs rule, OK…” Henry takes modelling for an important photo shoot in his stride

And I looked and frowned and the monster was me…

Inspired by an e-mail I received from BowieNetter, stephanlahaye, about this rather amusing Dutch site and the clever use of Bowie album covers therein, I thought the idea might be popular among some of the more resourceful BowieNetters among you.

I’ve kicked off proceedings on the MBs with the above effort of my pooch Henry who has unwittingly become half dog/half erm…dog!

There are no rules, just be sure to include a Bowie album cover of your choice and incorporate it in an original picture of your own creation.

Check out aforementioned Dutch site for many more examples and post your entry on the sticky MB post which can be reached by clicking on the reclining canine above.

You never know, the best effort may even be rewarded with a little something or other, just like BowieNetter juliedawn is going to be for being the first to locate the words psychodelicate and transformation! (01.08.06 NEWS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID BOWIE)