Friday On My Mind…
North American
However, other territories should still be able to view the promotion by clicking on the image above.
The promotion will include the following eight clips from the DVD: “Heroes”, Golden Years, Let’s Dance, China Girl, Scary Monsters, Cracked Actor, Ashes To Ashes and Young Americans.
The mini-site will include a photo gallery, discography, store, etc., including a link to buy the DVD online, for those of you that haven’t already.
An audio promotion will also take place on
Music Main Homepage
Network LIVE Hub Page
AOL Music Live Hub Page
Netscape Music Main Homepage
AOL Music Classic Rock Homepage
Pre-promotion on appropriate channel(s) one week in advance
Inclusion on XM website
Inclusion in the XM Signal email newsletter
Instant Classic Replay of concert
We’ll post more details of exactly when the