Bowie Look-a-likes Star In Futuristic Bbc Comedy

Bolwell and Spratt (sounds like a firm of dodgy solicitors)
as Ziggy Stardust, and, erm…Ziggy Stardust in Time Trumpet.

Looked a lot like you and me…

Bowie tribute artist, Laurence Bolwell, (above left) and Bowie impersonator, Steven Spratt (right) have been hired by the BBC for an episode of a new six-part comedy due to start airing next month, called Time Trumpet.

Written and directed by satirist Armando Iannucci, (whose previous work includes the brilliant The Day Today, Alan Partridge and The Thick Of It, among many other things) Time Trumpet will “look back” on events of the next 50 years from the perspective of a nostalgia show from the year 2050.

I’m been asked not to give anything away about the episode in which Laurence and Steven both get to play David Bowie’s alter-ego Ziggy Stardust, but I don’t think I’m revealing too much when I say you probably won’t view Stars In Their Eyes in quite the same way again!

It does all sound a bit of a hoot and we’ll give you the definite air date of this particular episode as soon as it’s confirmed.