Official 2007 Bowie/rock Calendar On Sale Now!

It’s happening now…

The official 2007 David Bowie/Mick Rock calendar is on sale now.

Please note that Slow Dazzle’s programmer has forgotten to add the “Note to seller” box on the payment page, so you won’t be able to enter your BowieNet user name there as requested.

However, where possible, please use your BowieNet e-mail address when setting up your account at the start of the ordering process. Don’t forget that the limited edition is limited to two copies per member.

For those of you that are concerned about your order, I’ll be posting the Slow Dazzle customer care contact information tomorrow.

OK, take a deep breath, make sure you are logged in to BowieNet and go here to order now.

Stay tuned for the contest for ten copies of the limited calendar tomorrow, which both David and Mick Rock have kindly agreed to sign.