Exclusive Shot From The Set Of The Prestige

“I’m putting on my top hat…” The handsome and debonair Nikola Tesla.

And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor…

Due in US cinemas in just over two weeks (October 20) publicity for The Prestige is stepping up a gear. We’d like to contribute to that effort by reproducing the exclusive shot above of David Bowie as Nikola Tesla in-between takes on the set of the film.

BowieNetters can view an exclusive full length version of the shot by clicking on Mr Tesla’s top hat.

Meanwhile, the publicity drive continues with lots of extra footage on the official site of The Prestige, including a scene which demonstrates further the unusual but intriguing voice that DB has adopted for the part of Tesla.

Go take a look around, it’s a fun site, but it’s also frustrating if you’re in a hurry to find the Bowie clip…Don’t look at me for help though, I spent an age trawling around, so why shouldn’t you? };-)

While you’re there, you can play the missing fragments search, which, as you can see from the above animation, I successfully completed. Do stick with it, it’s really worth the time and effort.

As soon as we have more release dates, other than the US, we’ll let you have them.