Exclusive Shot From The Set Of The Prestige

“I’m putting on my top hat…” The handsome and debonair Nikola Tesla.

And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor…

Due in US cinemas in just over two weeks (October 20) publicity for The Prestige is stepping up a gear. We’d like to contribute to that effort by reproducing the exclusive shot above of David Bowie as Nikola Tesla in-between takes on the set of the film.

BowieNetters can view an exclusive full length version of the shot by clicking on Mr Tesla’s top hat.

Meanwhile, the publicity drive continues with lots of extra footage on the official site of The Prestige, including a scene which demonstrates further the unusual but intriguing voice that DB has adopted for the part of Tesla.

Go take a look around, it’s a fun site, but it’s also frustrating if you’re in a hurry to find the Bowie clip…Don’t look at me for help though, I spent an age trawling around, so why shouldn’t you? };-)

While you’re there, you can play the missing fragments search, which, as you can see from the above animation, I successfully completed. Do stick with it, it’s really worth the time and effort.

As soon as we have more release dates, other than the US, we’ll let you have them.

The Rather Nasty Maltazard Writes New Journal Entry

Who got out on the wrong side this morning then? Maltazard made more sinister by the voice of DB.

Scary monsters, super creeps, Keep me running, running scared…

Formally Arthur And The Minimoys, Luc Besson‘s animation, Arthur And The Invisibles, is due later this year.

The first trailer with evidence of David Bowie’s speaking part as the little bit horrid Maltazard has surfaced, and you can view it here.

More importantly, David has made a new journal entry regarding the film, which BowieNet members can read exclusively here.

Arthur And The Invisibles also has Snoop Dogg doing Max‘s voice and Madonna‘s as Princess Selenia.

Signed Official 2007 Bowie/rock Calendar Contest

All you’ve got to do is win…

Most BowieNet members have probably already ordered a copy of the above limited edition official 2007 David Bowie/Mick Rock calendar which went on sale yesterday. (10.01.2006 NEWS: OFFICIAL 2007 BOWIE/ROCK CALENDAR ON SALE NOW!)

And so, here now is the contest where you, dear member, could win one of ten copies of the above calendar signed by Mr David Bowie and Ms Michael Rock. This will be a true collectable, particularly as Bowie 2006 autographs haven’t been so prolific thus far.

It would be cruel to make winning something as nice as this particularly hard, so all you have to do to enter is click here to send me an e-mail…indeed, that seems a hard enough task in itself for some of you at least. Hi Tony Day! };-)

Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account, and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name. (Believe it or not, some entrants still don’t bother with either and are immediately disqualified.)

The contest will be open for two weeks and we’ll announce the winners on Monday October 16th. Good luck kidz!


As promised yesterday, here is your contact at Slow Dazzle for any enquiries you may have regarding your order: amita@slowdazzle.com

If anybody has yet to order, be sure to be signed in and see yesterday’s news or simply go here to order now.

Slow Dazzle are now advising you to enter your BowieNet name after your real name when you register. There are still plenty of the limited calendars left and we have the exclusive on this for the whole of October, so you still have plenty of time to place an order.

Black Ball Tickets On Sale Now!

African Plight Fight…

We broke the exclusive news back in August that David would be performing a couple of songs for Keep A Child Alive‘s (KCA) Annual Black Ball On November 9th, 2006, at NYC’s Hammerstein Ballroom. (08.14.2006 NEWS: DB TO GUEST AT KCA EVENT IN NYC IN NOVEMBER)

Well, now that it seems the majority of BowieNetters who plan on going bought their tickets earlier today, I think it’s safe to let the rest of the world know that tickets are still available through TicketMaster.

Please do try and remember the intention behind this event, which is to raise money for that most worthy of causes, Keep A Child Alive. Take a moment to go and read Iman’s thought-provoking piece on the KCA site.

Official 2007 Bowie/rock Calendar On Sale Now!

It’s happening now…

The official 2007 David Bowie/Mick Rock calendar is on sale now.

Please note that Slow Dazzle’s programmer has forgotten to add the “Note to seller” box on the payment page, so you won’t be able to enter your BowieNet user name there as requested.

However, where possible, please use your BowieNet e-mail address when setting up your account at the start of the ordering process. Don’t forget that the limited edition is limited to two copies per member.

For those of you that are concerned about your order, I’ll be posting the Slow Dazzle customer care contact information tomorrow.

OK, take a deep breath, make sure you are logged in to BowieNet and go here to order now.

Stay tuned for the contest for ten copies of the limited calendar tomorrow, which both David and Mick Rock have kindly agreed to sign.