More Radio Updates For Today

And me, I’m on a radio show again…

A couple of updates for more radio stuff today. Laurent Rieppi from Classic 21, the Classic Rock radio station of the RTBF network (Belgian National Radio & TV – French Language) has been in touch with this: “Today it’s Bowie Day on Classic 21. Loads of Bowie songs during the day and at 3:00pm (local time) our special progam “Making-of” about “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars” album.” You can read more by clicking on Bowie’s good eye in the pic above.


Also, Dave Fanning has been in touch with more details regarding the second part of tonight’s Bowie special on Ireland’s RTE that we told you about last time. (01.05.07 REMINDER: BOWIE 60th RADIO CELEBRATIONS ROUND-UP)

Here’s his update: “Hi Blammo. Besides Gavin Friday on Monday evening, it’s (I think) Maebh Ruane (Irish Times) plus contributions from Lulu and Peter Frampton. And this time…lots more David Bowie.” Dave’s show starts at 7:00pm.


BowieNetter Bianca has been in touch with news of a couple of German radio things too, one of which isn’t broadcast until 9:00pm (local time) this evening on Radio Eins, which is a two hour retrospective called “Radio Affair”. Click on the image above for the link, and while you’re clicking you can read the blurb which has one of my very favourite opening German sentences of all time.


Finally, Virgin Classic Rock, who have been playing Bowie and Bowie-related throughout the day, have the two-hour Sequence at 8:00pm tonight, and apparently it’s all Bowie.