Five years, what a surprise…
Tonight sees the 5th and final birthday party of
It was always a nice surprise at a London gig to be handed a
Here’s the blurb for tonight’s final fling…
GLAM-OU-RAMAs’ 5th Birthday – Saturday 24th February 9pm – 4am
We’re delighted to invite you to the 5th birthday party of GLAM-OU-RAMA. Since 2002 we’ve provided a night time home to the best dressed and most glamorous people in London. We’ve literally filled the streets and ears of London with glitter love. It is now not only our 5th Birthday Party but also sweetly the 50th night that GLAM-OU-RAMA has run! We’re going to make this the most glittering night ever and ensure it’s only our lovely members and regulars who get in; like a true birthday party it is invite only (and this email is your invite). So we request that you either reply to this email with your name or add yourself to the “I’m Going” section of the events calendar. This will ensure our glamorous door assistant Dominic will let you and your guests in.
Like any good birthday party, there will be presents, cake, balloons and clowns! We’ve also invited back our favourite live band of 2006 to celebrate with us, the incredibly fun and outrageously glam rock stars, The Ape Drape Escape.
As Bowie says “We’ve got five years, that’s all we’ve got” and indeed he was right. You may already have heard the rumours but this will be the last ever Club Bohemia. Our beloved child shall ascend to the stars at the end of the night to seek out a brighter future in another galaxy. For us this is the end of a chapter. It’s been an amazing time doing Club Bohemia, but with Preston no longer in the country and myself very busy with other commitments we cannot give the club the attention it needs. So after our birthday we will be closing the doors on Club Bohemia forever. We realise as the last night and our 5th birthday it might be quite busy so we advise people to get there early. You should get there early for The Ape Drape Escape in any case as they are amazing!
It’s been a pleasure and an honour doing Club Bohemia for you beautiful people the last few years and we hope as many of you as possible can be there this weekend. Love & Glitter from the whole GLAM-OU-RAMA team; Kitten, Preston, David, Tallulah, Dominic and Tamara. X X X
Sorry to see you go folx, hopefully you’ll hatch a similar night somewhere soon.