Usa Chains Request Changes To Delayed Ya Sleeve

Time takes a cigarette…

The reason for the delayed release in North America of the Young Americans Special Edition CD & DVD has become clear as consumers have been given the choice between the two versions above in the larger supermarket chains.

As previously reported the album has been delayed until May 8th in North America. (02.23.2007 NEWS: BEST OF 1980/1987 AND YA DELAYED IN NORTH AMERICA)

Apparently pressure was applied by these larger chains to remove the cigarette from the original Young Americans sleeve before they would stock it. A compromise was reached in that both versions will be stocked, but only the non-smoking sleeve will be on display.

This cover change is apparently the reason behind the album’s delay in the USA, as the new version had to be proofed and accepted before it could even go to print.

I guess the censorship makes sense, but surely only a fool would continue to smoke simply because somebody else is doing it on an album sleeve?