Now it’s time to close our eyes…
Ragazzosolo has reported on the MBs the sad passing of fellow BowieNetter Cesar: “With extreme sadness Lydia and I announce the passing of Cesar today, I will post more as soon as we have more details on how we can send some flowers and more information on any function that might happen. Cesar has died of AIDS complication. We love you and will miss you dear friend.”
Cesar was a very active member on the boards, indeed he posted in response to one of Sailor‘s comments just four days ago. And it’s clear from the replies to
I’ll post a link in the news to ragazzosolo’s flower sending details (see message from Leeza below) when he makes them available. Thanx to BowieNetter RogInLA for the use of the picture of Cesar above.
Messgae from Leeza
Enrico and I are working on sending flowers to Cesar’s funeral from all of us.
Anyone who wants to send his family a note,
Everyone is welcome to post – I’ll be taking care of the flowers through my business, so there are no money collecting issues.