“I lay down a while, and I look at my hotel wall…” Mr Stardust about to check in to a different K WEST.
And he’s down on the street…
It’s time to start sending in your entries for this one now. Don’t fret if you’re not ready yet, you still have until the end of the month before you get your entries in.
See these news stories if you’re not even familiar with this contest…
When you have all three parts completed, send them to me here.
Please send in your entries for the final part as a Joint Photographic Experts Group file, or JPEG for short…no bigger than 1mb when opened up, please. (No bigger than 584 x 584 pixels at 72 dpi)
We’ll hopefully be making a gallery to display all of the entries for the alternate Ziggy Stardust sleeve.
Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account, and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.
The contest ends at midnight UK time on Monday April 30th.