Ziggy Stardust 35th Anniversary Cover Contest

Good God, was it really yesterday…

Last week, when we announced the winner of the Ziggy Stardust album cover print artist’s proof signed by both David Bowie and Terry Pastor, (05.29.2007 NEWS: ZIGGY STARDUST SIGNED PROOF CONTEST WINNER) we suggested you should: “Stay tuned for details of part three which has now mutated into a separate contest…”.

Well, that part three has indeed mutated into the Ziggy Stardust 35th Anniversary Cover Contest. For it was thirty five years ago yesterday that the world-famous classic Bowie album was released, and we thought it would be appropriate for this contest to run now.

To reiterate, this was the original brief:


We all know the Ziggy Stardust cover is about as perfect as an album sleeve can be, but there’s no harm in having a little fun with it from time to time.

What we want you to do is re-create the back or the front of the original sleeve in any fashion or medium you desire.

Above is one I made earlier…a version I created back in 2002 for a news item about the K WEST hotel in West London. (11.15.2002 SNIPPET: THE QUEST FOR K WEST)

So a bit of photo manipulation, a painting, a drawing, an embroidery, a life-size sculpture…anything you like in the spirit of the original sleeve, as long as you can e-mail the final result to me as a jpeg.


Well, twenty eight of you responded and we’ve collected your very impressive efforts together for everybody to see. The hugely-talented BowieNetter Zardoz has created a special Ziggy Cover Contest Page, where you can view the entries to date.

The idea is that in a couple of weeks you’ll be able to vote for your favourite contribution, and the winner will have their original artwork signed by David Bowie. That’s a pretty cool prize, eh?

In the meantime, if you feel you’d like to now give it a go, or you think I may not have received your original contribution, send your entry to me here in the jpeg format about the size of the image above.

Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account, and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

We’ll be accepting any new entries up until midnight of July 17th UK time, when any further contributions will be added to the Ziggy Cover Contest Page.

You’ll notice that we’ve kept your contributions anonymous so that when it comes to voting in a couple of weeks you can vote on the quality of the work alone and not for your best friend, or whatever. 😉

Finally, Zardoz himself had entered the contest originally with this fine little piece of fun, but he nobly withdrew once we got him involved with setting up the Ziggy Cover Contest Page to avoid any accusations of improprieties. What a top fella!