Ziggy Stardust Cover Contest…we Have A Winner

Commencing countdown…one…lift-off

Well, we finally got here. Above is the overall winning entry of our BowieNet Ziggy Stardust 35th Anniversary Cover Contest.

With a whopping 40% of all of the votes cast for the top five, cover #4, which was created by BowieNetter arabia, took the top spot with ease.

This one was a simple idea that works on many levels, the most obvious being that Ziggy is still standing while all around him is gone, and it just looks great too.

I’ll be in touch with the winner and the four runners up with details of their prizes shortly, and I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that took part in this contest, entrants and voters alike.

I’d also like to thank the ludicrously talented Zardoz for all of his help in making this work. Well done people, give yourselves a big hand.