Philip Glass Version Of Heroes Used For Eurostar Ad

Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming…

This is no doubt already familiar to many of you in the UK as it’s been showing on TV all week. It’s the latest Eurostar advert in celebration of the opening of the refurbished and quite breathtaking St Pancras International.

The station is the new home for Eurostar and November 14th saw the first 2 hour 15 minute, carbon neutral, run from London to Paris. Taking this train to Paris or Brussels from London produces just a tenth of the carbon emissions that the same journey by plane would, earning Eurostar the right to their slogan: Eurostar For Tomorrow.

Today is a beautifully shot ad that uses the equally beautiful Philip Glass version of David Bowie’s “Heroes”, taken from 1997’s “Heroes” Symphony. Here’s what Glass had to say about the work at the time of the album’s release:

“Heroes, like the Low Symphony of several years ago, is based on the work of Bowie and Eno. In a series of innovative recordings made in the late 70’s, David and Brian combined influences from world music, experimental avant-garde, and rock and roll and thereby redefined the future of popular music.

The continuing influence of these works has secured their stature as part of the new “classics” of our time. Just as composers of the past have turned to music of their time to fashion new works, the work of Bowie and Eno became an inspiration and point of departure of symphonies of my own.” – Philip Glass

You can read more about the new service from St Pancras International and view the advert at

Footnote: Some of you youngsters may be scratching your head trying to place today’s lyric quotation. Well, it’s actually the slogan that was used during the promotion for David Bowie’s “Heroes” album thirty years ago…so it seemed quite appropriate on more than one level for this piece.