Deluxe David Bowie Box Set Contest

And my head’s full of murders…

It looks like we’ve got a few copies of the above ten disc box set for our latest contest which we’re running to mark its release in Europe and North America this week. (10.24.2007 NEWS: SONY BOX DUE FOR AMERICA AND EUROPE IN DECEMBER + in the press release section: 12.01.2007: THE DAVID BOWIE BOX)

I think we’re getting five boxes in total which will hopefully include at least two or three signed sets.

It’s a very simple three-parter based on the first album in the set: 1. Outside, and more specifically, THE DIARY of NATHAN ADLER, that accompanied the “non-linear Gothic Drama Hyper-cycle”.

Here’s the first of the three questions…

Where was the murder scene? In other words, the remains of 14-year-old “Baby Grace Blue” were discovered in the doorway of which building?

Don’t send in your answers until you have all three questions in a couple of days from now.