Hooked to the silver screen…
BowieNetter Martyn Hammond pointed me in the direction of this crazy site last week and I think it’s something you’ll all find of interest.
Using David Bowie’s visit to Memphis in 1973 as the central point, Elvis and Bowie-mad film-maker Mike McCarthy has worked hard to create this wonderful thing.
Mike McCarthy is running a Bowie-centric film course at the Memphis College of Art from February 19th to April 1st to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of David Bowie’s visit to the MCA. Here’s a bit of the course description from the site…
Students will use David Bowie’s visit to MCA in 1973 to conceptualize Memphis (and Overton Park’s) impact on American Pop Culture. Stories by Dolph Smith
(pictured with DB in the montage below) and others, rock and roll films, and pre-production emphasis on writing, storyboards, directing and producing will encourage students to create a short narrative piece using Bowie’s visit as a metaphor or literal device for their own experiences and imagination.
Students will produce a 10 to 15 minute rock and roll film (not a rock video) that entertains experimental thoughts but with EMPHASIS ON NARRATIVE) using Bowie/Memphis/Yourself as a theme while considering what you would like to do versus what you can accomplish in the time given (6 weeks + one month). (I have shot feature length movies on film in sixteen days or less.)
Preparation on writing the script: How to treat the theme(s): Alienation, Rock stars, Art teachers, the city where rock and roll was created. late night TV horror hosts, Overton Park Shell, Elvis Presley, The Meaning of Life, subversion, assimilation. Midtown. How is all this assimilated and translated personally through the filmmaker – versus what the filmmaker can realistically pull off within the time frame of the course.
You can read much more about THE FILM CLASS THAT FELL TO EARTH here or by clicking on the image above.
Here’s more blurb about Bowie’s actual visit…
February 25, 1973: Four months following his first Ellis Auditorium appearance, Bowie returns to Memphis, and on the next day visits the Art School. Note Bowie’s eyebrows are missing as he is now in full Aladdin Sane mode. Artist and Teacher Dolph Smith and his son Tim welcome David Bowie to MCA (then called the Memphis Academy of Art). Daughter Allison was hiding behind her Father’s leg. These are the only four photos known to exist (so far) of this evening at the Art School.
Go here to read what Dolph has written so far and stay tuned for that elusive fourth picture mentioned above, which we’ve been promised an exclusive of for February 26th, exactly 35 years to the day since Bowie’s visit.
It’s worth spending a bit of time on the site to view stuff like the above flyers, see more photographs and read reviews of the Bowie live shows. Reviews like the hilarious one below which, frankly, makes the reviewer seem a bit of a buffoon…still, as you can read, the kids always knew when they were on to a good thing, “They loved it. They screamed. They yelled. They danced on their seats and begged for more David Bowie” …even if the reviewer was clueless.