There’ll be others on the line filing past, who’ll whisper ‘Low’…
This interview was posted by BowieNetter Gaz on the MBs yesterday, but it’s still worth a look for those that missed it.
Following on from The Sunday Times recognition of Low, (06.08.2008 NEWS: SUNDAY TIMES SAYS LOW IS BEST ALBUM EVER MADE) it seems Thomas Dolby, (pictured above hogging the shadows at the 2000 BowieNet show at The Roseland in NYC) is in agreement with Mark Edwards regarding the importance of the album. Here’s an excerpt…
The creative masterpiece you wish bore your signature?
Side two of Low by David Bowie. Speaking of Heroes (!) and Eno? Bowie is one hero I?ve met that did not disappoint. He was a total gentleman, and very smart and funny, as well. I played with him at Live Aid at Wembley. We had almost no rehearsal, and I was petrified. I had to open the set with the solo piano intro of ?TVC15?, which is pushing the boundaries of my ability. But somehow, staring out across those tens of thousands of people, my adolescent muscle memory just kicked in and my fingers played themselves.
Low was the most influential of all Bowie?s albums. It was a complete revolution. The first time electronic music techniques had really been applied to pop music. And side two was effectively the first time ambient music hit the mainstream. Plus the album was laden with hits like ?Sound and Vision?.
While we’re on the subject, Looks like that reversed Low cover I highlighted in aforementioned Sunday Times news piece may actually exist.
If anybody has this reversed version and is distressed that it is the wrong way round, I’d be willing to swap for a mint condition normal cover! 😉
Seriuosly though, if you have a copy or even if you’ve just seen one in the real world please let us know.