Stay Tuned For 1960s Bowie Collectors Special

Tapping out your memories…

Above are just two of the items featured in the next Bowie Collectors which we’ll be running here in the next day or two.

As it’s been a longer gap than usual since the last feature, we’ve decided to show you a few of the particularly rare items in the collections of two different BowieNetters, (both Simons) concentrating exclusively on items from the 1960s.

I can almost hear you salivating already.

Tufo Celebrates Ziggy Stardust In Ireland

Strange, mad celebration…

BowieNetter paulbyrne has been in touch with details of his band’s plans for this coming Saturday…


Hi Blam, wanted to let you know of an upcoming gig by The Universal Funk Orchestra celebrating, by recreating, The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars.

The date is Saturday June 28th and the place is a brand spanking new theatre in the heart of sunny Greystones. Which is in Wicklow, the county just below Dublin.

The plan, as ever, is to have five or six guest singers help us make our way from the first track to the last, before encoring with some old favourites such as “Heroes”, The Man Who Sold The World, Fame and All The Young Dudes.

Further info and booking details can be found at – Cheers, Paul.


As ever, if you manage to get along to this gig, please do send in your thoughts about it afterwards.

Iselectbowie Cd Available This Coming Sunday…not Last!

Any day now… (Well, Sunday to be precise)

More concerned e-mails regarding the iSELECTBOWIE CD. It seems some of you were expecting it with the Mail On Sunday published on the weekend just gone, Sunday, June 22nd.

But, as we stated in previous stories, ((06.16.2008 NEWS: NEW BOWIE RECORDING ON M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD & 06.21.2008 NEWS: M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD ALSO AVAILABLE IN IRELAND) it’s actually with this coming weekend’s Mail On Sunday and The Irish Mail on Sunday both published Sunday, June 29th.

If you’re one of those generous sorts helping out fellow BowieNetters to get a copy, it may be a good idea to order up front as some newsagents may put a limit on the amount you can buy and it’s bound to sell out very quickly anyway.

Stay tuned for another bit from DB regarding one of the songs on the CD, shortly.

Maltazard Story Rears Its Ugly Head Yet Again

And I looked and frowned and the monster wasn’t me…

Due to recent reports elsewhere, We’ve had a few e-mails in along the lines of: “I thought you said David Bowie isn’t doing Maltazard again!”

Well, you’re right, we did say that. (10.15.2007 NEWS: NO BOWIE IN UPCOMING MALTAZARD FILM)

Our denial stands, so if this story shows up again in another six months or so, please ignore it and it might go away.

M.o.s. Iselectbowie Cd Also Available In Ireland

He’ll show you tomorrow…

I’ve had a fair few concerned members contacting me about the availability of the iSELECTBOWIE CD that we gave you exclusive news of last week. (06.16.2008 NEWS: NEW BOWIE RECORDING ON M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD)

Unfortunately, it will only be distributed with the Mail On Sunday in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland. In fact, that’s the back cover of the Irish edition above and I know there are collectors worldwide that will need both pressings.

We have enquired about getting boxes of the CDs to distribute among members somehow, but sadly it’s looking increasingly unlikely that any will be forthcoming.

My only advice is to get in touch with friends and relatives in aforementioned territories and try to blag a copy from them.

iSELECTBOWIE is free with the June 29th editions of the Mail On Sunday and The Irish Mail on Sunday.

As we mentioned last week, keep an eye out tomorrow for the Mail On Sunday’s Live magazine which promises: “…rare and exclusive pictures from David Bowie’s personal archive”.

The same feature will run in the main newspaper in Ireland as they don’t have the Live magazine.

M.o.s. Live Magazine Feature Online Now

It’s happening now, Not tomorrow…

Since posting the piece below, tomorrow’s Live magazine article has been posted on the Mail Online site already.

It’s a lovely piece written by Dylan Jones, editor of GQ, and you can read the whole thing here while browsing “never before seen pictures of David Bowie”.

In it, Dylan lifts snippets from some of his previous Bowie interviews and looks back with fondness at some of his meetings with David.

He also disects the tracklisting for the iSELECTBOWIE CD, which he gives a big thumbs up to.

Life On Mars Single Is 35 Today – Db Remembers

Mars happy nation…

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Life On Mars? single release, we’ve decided to post David’s recollections regarding the track from next week’s Mail On Sunday feature that will accompany the iSELECTBOWIE CD.


For this CD compilation I?ve selected twelve of my songs that I don?t seem to tire of. Few of them are well known but many of them still get sung at my concerts. Usually by me. I?ll start off with the hit.

Life On Mars?

This song was so easy. Being young was easy. A really beautiful day in the park, sitting on the steps of the bandstand. ?Sailors bap-bap-bap-bap-baaa-bap?. An anomic (not a ?gnomic?) heroine. Middle class ecstasy. I took a walk to Beckenham High Street to catch a bus to Lewisham to buy shoes and shirts but couldn?t get the riff out of my head. Jumped off two stops into the ride and more or less loped back to the house up on Southend Road.

Workspace was a big empty room with a chaise lounge; a bargain priced art nouveau screen (?William Morris? so I told anyone who asked); a huge overflowing freestanding ashtray and a grand piano. Little else. I started working it out on the piano and had the whole lyric and melody finished by late afternoon. Nice. Rick Wakeman came over a couple of weeks later and embellished the piano part and guitarist Mick Ronson created one of his first and best string parts for this song which now has become something of a fixture in my live shows.


Not bad for an afternoon’s work!

If you missed them the first time, you can read David’s comments about the new version of Time Will Crawl in this news story from last week: 06.16.2008 NEWS: NEW BOWIE RECORDING ON M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD.

Life Beyond Mars Cd Contest

‘Cos you’re playing with the spider who possess the sky…

We told you about this one last month (05.26.2008 NEWS: STAY TUNED FOR LIFE BEYOND MARS CD CONTEST) when we promised this very contest ahead of the June 30th release date of this CD.

David Bowie is one of the most covered artists of all time. Indeed, his very first credited composition was released by another artist even before he had released it himself.

And so, for this contest in which we have ten copies of the above Life Beyond Mars: Bowie Covered CD to give away, (kindly donated by Rapster Records) we thought we’d stick to the Bowie covered theme for our questions…

Question 1: In 1974 two different female singers released Bowie cover versions as singles that were produced by Bowie and Mick Ronson and had guest contributions from the pair too. We want to know who those two women were and what Bowie songs they covered?

Question 2: Name aforementioned first credited Bowie composition and the artist who released it even before Bowie released it himself.

That’s it…fairly easy for many of you I would imagine…and no doubt devilishly difficult for many more.

Once you have your answers, send them to me here before midday UK time on Friday June 27th.

Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name. If you do neither of these things you won’t be eligible to enter.

The ten winners will be announced on the afternoon of the Friday the contest closes to hopefully give enough time to get the CD to some of you at least in time for the following Monday’s release.

Go here to visit the official Life Beyond Mars mini-site.