We’ve got five options, that’s all we’ve got…
OK, you’ve seen what’s up for grabs in our David Bowie – Live Santa Monica ’72 contest, now all you have to do is decide which of the five items below you’re going for.
It really is that easy to enter, just click on the single item you desire to trigger an e-mail to me with the subject line filled in.
However, if the shortcuts don’t work on your system, copy and paste the item title into the subject line and send it to me at the usual address.
It is important to get the subject line word perfect, as the e-mails are filtered off into the appropriate sub folders of The Random Generator‘s massive data banks, from where the mighty machine spews forth the winners.
Please remember you are only allowed to choose one of the five items. (If you’re choosing the T-shirt, please state which size you prefer: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large.)
OPTION 1: Signed SM ’72 limited edition CD
OPTION 2: David Bowie Live Ziggy Toon poster (unsigned)
OPTION 3: SM ’72 limited edition T-shirt
OPTION 4: SM ’72 limited edition CD (unsigned)
OPTION 5: Signed David Bowie Live Ziggy Toon poster (signed by David Bowie and George Underwood)
As I stated before, we’re mischievously withholding the quantities we have of each item until we announce the winners.
The contest is open until midnight NY time on Monday July 14th…that should give you just about enough time to choose which one to go for.
Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name. If you do neither of these things you won’t be eligible to enter…neither will you be if you enter for more than one of the above items.