I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies…
With October 14th being the date of the North American release of iSELECTBOWIE, all the territories that we mentioned in a news piece last month (09.25.2008 NEWS: LINK TO iSELECTBOWIE TRANSLATIONS) should now be able to get their hands on this fine compilation, which, as you know, was hand-picked by David Bowie himself…assuming you can hand-pick music. I prefer to think that he ear-picked them, but that’s just me.
And so, could there be a better time to announce the winners of our recent contest? (10.01.2008 NEWS: WIN iSELECTBOWIE CD HERE NOW) Probably, but here goes anyway.
The anagram of iSELECTBOWIE that wasn’t, was Ole Bi Sweetie. The vast majority of you got that one right, but only the five BowieNetters below were favoured by The Random Generator….
If those of you that haven’t already done so could please furnish us with your name and address, we will have your CD to you pronto.