Criterion Tmwfte Blu-ray Release Delayed?

Blu blu, electric blu…

Those of you hoping to gather the family around the TV for a Christmas viewing of The Man Who Fell To Earth on Blu-ray this year may be disappointed.

Despite previous reports on here (05.17.2008 NEWS: THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH DUE ON BLU RAY & 08.22.2008 NEWS: CRITERION TMWFTE BLU RAY RELEASE DETAILS) and the fact that the Criterion site and Amazon still have the disc listed for a December 16th release, it seems it has now been delayed until January 6th next year.

At least that’s according to High-Def Digest who seem to know about these things. If their story ends up being inaccurate, you may want to vent your frustration on BowieNetter Zardoz who pointed me in the direction of this item. 😉

STOP PRESS: It seems the Reality package we told you about last week (11.25.2008 NEWS: REALITY CD+DVD 2 DISC SPECIAL EDITION) has been put back one week to December 8th in the UK, while it remains the 9th for the US.