First Of Signed Rebel Rebel Winners Announced

Commencing countdown…35

If you’ve not a clue what this is all about, then you need to visit this explanation from a couple of days back: 03.22.2009 NEWS: 35 SIGNED COPIES OF 35 YEAR-OLD REBEL REBEL TO WIN

As mentioned in that story, “…on March 24th look in the news dated February 16th for the first winner and then on March 25th look in the news dated February 17th for the second winner…and so on.”

Today is March 24th, so you need to check the news from February 16th for the first of our lucky winners. This will be our one and only reminder to start checking for winners.

This contest really seems to have captured your imaginations as it has had a very high response. But, even if you’ve not yet entered, you still can via the link in aforementioned original contest page right up to the last day of the contest…34 days hence.

The not so good news for you early winners is that we will be dispatching all 35 prizes at the same time at the end of the contest.