Bowie In Memphis Site Updated Plus New Ronno Pix

And I gaze at my hotel wall…

Mike McCarthy (pictured above left and enjoying a birthday on this very date) has been in touch with news of updates to his excellent and quite mental Bowie in Memphis website.

Primarily he contacted us to highlight a whole page of previously unseen Mick Ronson pictures taken on February 25th, 1973 at the Rivermont Hotel in Memphis.

Ronno, who needs no introduction to any self-respecting Bowie fan, died aged 47 on this day (May 29th) in 1993 and I’m sure he is still sorely missed by all reading this.

You can view the Ronno pix here, but it’s worth taking a look around the site for the stuff that’s been added since our previous news items regarding it: 02.04.2008 NEWS: BOWIE VISIT TO MEMPHIS INSPIRES FILM COURSE & 02.26.2008 NEWS: EXCLUSIVE BOWIE SHOT FROM MEMPHIS FEBRUARY 26 1973.

Thanx again Mike and hope you had a very special birthday.

Lemon Heroes Is Out Now – Win Signed Copies

Watching some good friends screaming “LEMON’s out”…

It’s been a while in the making but the Heroes issue of Lemon (#4) is on sale now.

I didn’t want to announce this fact until I could say it with some confidence and as I am cradling a copy of the beautiful thing as a type this, (well. not literally, that would be daft) I can do just that.

Here’s the blurb regarding the content from the Lemon site…


A lad insane, a rebel?s rebel – if it broke new ground, chances are good that David Bowie got there first. Lemon?s latest masquerade party dons the makeup of pop culture?s greatest shape shifter and our prototypical Hero.

Lemon 4 features exclusive contributions from David Bowie himself, Daft Punk, Buzz Aldrin, John Hurt, Iggy Pop, Justice, Kim Hiorthoy, Keanan Duffty, Slinky Vagabond, Battles, Brian Finke, These New Puritans, Rex Ray, Niho Kozuru, Guido Vitti, Dimitri Daniloff and much more.


Indeed, there is much more. But, despite the bits we’ve leaked so far on BowieNet news over the last few months, I think it’s nicer to let you discover the rest of the content for yourselves.

One of the things I should tell you now is that the Bowie artwork on the right hand page above is only signed on competition versions of the magazine. As previously reported on these pages, (05.06.2009 NEWS: LEMON…WE’RE ALMOST THERE) Lemon is giving away two signed copies for which you may actually want to purchase the magazine for first. Details here.

The Bowie artwork is neatly detachable for framing purposes (as is the very tasty Rex Ray artwork) so it’s worth buying a copy to keep in mint condition, as you’ll no doubt want to proudly display the signed artwork on your drawing room wall if you do win one.

As promised in aforementioned news item, BowieNet will be giving away five signed copies too, so stay tuned for that.

Finally, I was going to ask you to identify the Bowie artwork above as part of that forthcoming contest, but I realised it would be too hard for the majority of you.

Check out this news story to jog your memory: 10.24.2000 NEWS: YOUR CHANCE FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES OR MORE!

Background Test 73

Aslan And A Camp Cover Bowie On New Releases

Somebody plays my song in tune…

BowieNetter Chris Gaffney (who apparently gets regularly mistaken for the wee gay fellow in Boyzone these days) should put in a PR invoice to Aslan for the fine job he does of spreading their name outside of Ireland.

Chris (who reckons he owns a Pringle with a bizarre likeness of Ziggy on it) told us about Aslan’s cover versions of Five Years and Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide back in 2005. (10.20.05 NEWS: ASLAN AND MICHAEL BALL HAVE BOWIE COVERED)

Now Mr Gaffney (who is scared of the sea yet built a house half a mile from it, claiming he didn’t know it was there) has informed me that the band have tackled Quicksand on their latest album, UNCASE’d, which was released last Friday (23rd).

As ever with Aslan, it’s a faithful and heartfelt rendition clearly made by fans of Bowie’s music.

Also hats off to the band for daring to cover Gilbert O’Sullivan‘s Nothing Rhymed…too guilty a secret for most folk to publicly admit, though I have to say I’m a bit partial but can’t agree with Rex Ray that Ooh-Wacka-Doo-Wacka-Day was Gilbert’s finest hour.


We first told you that A Camp had been wowing audiences with their live version of David Bowie’s 1979 hit, Boys Keep Swinging, (04.27.2009 NEWS: BOYS HAVE CONTINUED TO SWING FOR PAST 30 YEARS) back in March. (03.05.2009 NEWS: BKS FOR BBC iPLAYER AD, COVER VERSION AND MOR)

Well on June 9th you’ll finally be able to purchase their studio version of the track on iTunes and via other digital sites on June 16th.

Here’s a bit from the Band’s official site regarding their version of the Bowie classic…

?BOYS KEEP SWINGING?: Who doesn?t love Bowie? He?s given us so much?and again we thought it would be rocking to hear this particular track come out of a girl?s mouth, also at this point it?s the loudest thing in our live set and is a massive energy release. It?s a totally catchy song as well, and it?s like Bowie just said to hell with it and recorded things in the most train-wrecked non-commercial way he could come up with, almost guaranteeing its commercial failure back in ?79.

Admittedly BKS didn’t do quite as well as that other #1 Bowie single from around this time: Are ‘Friends’ Electric?, but it was top ten.

In fact, BKS can’t really be considered a commercial failure at all, peaking at #7 in the UK singles chart as it did. And with the attendant album, Lodger, reaching #4 on the UK album chart (#20 in the US) I think A Camp would have to agree Bowie’s work from this period was a commercial success.

I’ll leave you with a snippet from an interview with A Camp’s singer Nina Persson over on


Have you noticed a change in your voice over the years?

I think it’s changed very much. Because when I did the first record with The Cardigans, I’d hardly sang at all in my life. That was really me starting to sing and trying to find my way. Record by record- I’m not really close to anything – but it’s really started to change. Since I started from nothing, I didn’t even have the character when I began. So, all the development has been in progress. I also think- there’s been years where I haven’t recorded stuff – I changed as well. It changes as you change as a person. I think it’s also a matter of daring to use your voice. At the beginning, I think you’re shocked that sounds can come out. It’s a matter of confidence.

Do you see that confidence on Colonia?

I fantasized that I was David Bowie when I laid down the vocals. Because I can’t do what he does, but if I try my hardest to be as dramatic as he does, then I become this. You see what I mean? Way over the top. But that was my goal.

Background Test 74

Bowie Tribute For Cats In Minneapolis Tonight

Some cat was layin’ down some rock ‘n’ roll ‘lotta soul, he said…

If you’re in Minneapolis tonight (Friday) you could do worse than (cat)nip along to Rebel Rebel, the 6th Annual David Bowie tribute show at First Avenue…an event that raises awareness of no-kill cat shelters.

A clowder of local cats will be playing the Bowie tunes, including the following…

House Band: John Eller, Steve Price, Randy Casey, Noah Levy, Tommy Alsides, Janey Winterbauer, Leslie Ball.

Cats’ Chorus: Jeremy Messersmith, Venus and All The Pretty Horses, Lori Barbero, Chris Pavlich, Liam Watkins of First Communion Afterparty, Marc Perlman, Dave Campbell, Laurie Lindeen, Ciaran Daly, Chris Lynch, Matt Coffee, Jim Walsh, Dave Russ, George Mcelvey, Chris Pericelli and many more!

Here are the other details, which you can also find by clicking on the cool Low cat flyer above… and 89.3 The Current presents REBEL REBEL – ROCK FOR PUSSY VI
Friday, May 22nd, 8:00pm / 18+
$6.00 adv | $8.00 door
First Avenue is located at:
701 First Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55403-1327

So, if you’re a cat person in Minneapolis this evening, or just a fan of David Bowie’s music, get along to First Avenue for what looks like being a purfectly entertaining evening that will leave you feline good.

Gad In Nyc This Saturday Plus Tons Of New Web Stuff

New York’s in love, With the way she talks…

Gail Ann Dorsey (pictured above about to “cut the cakes” at her 40th birthday party in 2002 – 11.19.2002 NEWS: IT’S HER FORTIETH, BY GAD!) has gone berserk with activity.

The details are best left to the lovely lady herself, so here’s a message directly from her, straight to your heart…


Gail Ann Dorsey launches her Official MySpace and Facebook Fan Pages
PLUS! New Solo Show in NYC This Saturday Night!

Finally, I have taken that big, brave step into the 21st century and officially entered the new ?Twilight Zone? of virtual friends, fans, and freaks of the world? and on search Gail Ann Dorsey to find the ʻOfficial Fan Pageʼ, administered by yours truly.

Both sites are still a ?work in progress? with much more music and many more photos, videos and other surprises still to come. You will also notice that both sites are promoting my new solo show, opening for my super talented and inspiring friends that make up the alternative Brooklyn-based band EMMA. If you are planning to stay in the NYC area this Memorial Day Weekend, come on down for some cool music! Check out EMMA at

So stop on by and waste–uh, I mean, spend some virtual time with me anytime it strikes your fancy! Iʼll be there, ready and willing, to join you all in the unravelling of lifeʼs mysteries, pains, and pleasures? and to share with you whatever great profundities that may occur to me at 3:27 in the morning after a long night of Scrabble.

Come and eat your cake.
Come be my friend.
I need friends.

Peace, love, and blessings to you all? GAD


So, there you have it you lucky New Yorkers…still, Gail has told me she will try her level best to get over to London before the year’s out too, so fingers crossed for that one.

Space Oddities Cabaret Debuts In London On Friday

Ashes to ashes, dust to Dusty…

The current issue of Time Out London recommends a new production called Space Oddities in its cabaret section.

Cabaret superstar Ruby Blue (above) is interviewed by Simone Baird for the piece, from which this excerpt…


Nice guitar. Seems to be a bit of a glam rock theme going on.

Absolutely. This year I’ve become rather obsessed with all things intergalactic, from superheroes to Ziggy Stardust, and it all seems to have manifested itself in the form of a giant 13ft pink guitar!

What’s ‘Space Oddities’ all about?

It’s a glam rock cabaret odyssey through space and time. It’s cabaret, but not as we know it, Jim, (sorry!). Cabaret and burlesque are generally perceived as being things which draw upon the past for inspiration, so with ‘Space Oddities’ we decided to go the opposite way and take things into the future (although technically glam rock is retro as well, which I guess makes it retro-futuristic!). We’ve got an incredible line-up of performers each showcasing original works which have never been seen before, plus amazing artwork from the Mutoid Waste Co and John Lee Bird.

What will Empress Stah, Dusty Limits and Jonny Woo be doing?

There will be dazzling aerial feats from Empress Stah, Dusty (above) will be singing twisted versions of David Bowie songs and Jonny Woo will be beaming in as a trannie from outer space.

Your show features a killer line-up of the very best in the cabaret and burlesque scenes. How did you get everyone together?

I called Dusty one day and said: “I want to do a glam rock cabaret!” At the very same moment he happened to be listening to Bowie and contemplated doing the very same thing. It was definitely an idea whose time had come.


If you’re thinking of going along to Space Oddities please check ticket availability and show times before you turn up…For example, Time Out magazine has both Friday and Saturday listed, whereas the online listing only mentions Friday.

Space Oddities @ 20th Century Theatre
22nd May ~ Doors 7.30pm, show 8.30pm
291 Westbourne Grove
London, W11
+44 20 72294179

PLEASE NOTE: It looks like the show is on Friday night only after all.

New Shows For Bowie Tribute Band Aladdinsane

Who will love ALADDINSANE?

BowieNetter Charlie has been in touch with a Bowie tribute recommendation for the above gig in the UK next month.

I’ve not had the pleasure of seeing this lot myself, but Charlie is particularly enthusiastic.

You can get a bit of a taste of Aladdinsane via the band’s website, where you can also find out what other shows they have lined up.

Footnote: Those of you attending the above show at Melton Mowbray in the county of Leicestershire, may like to know that the area is well known for its world famous Pork Pies and Stilton Cheese. Shut up! Somebody might be interested.

Lodger Is Thirty

Sometimes I feel, The need to move on…

Hot on the heels of the top ten hit, Boys Keep Swinging, the final instalment of the so-called Berlin Trilogy was released to an eager-for-a_new-Bowie-album public, thirty years ago today.

That album was Lodger and as you can see from the advert above, it performed well on the world’s album charts and eventually reached #4 in the UK.

However, since then, Lodger seems to have been relatively overlooked and unfairly so in my opinion.

If you’ve not listened for a while, give Lodger another spin now…it’s packed with absolute gems and to my mind it’s a great pointer to what came next…not to mention the fact that I think it’s the second best of the trilogy!