The solid book Nick wrote…
Last week we set a contest to win five signed by Nicholas Pegg copies of his soon to be published fifth edition of The Complete David Bowie. (09.11.2009 NEWS: FIVE SIGNED COPIES OF COMPLETE DB TO BE WON)
OK…on with it. Here are the questions that Nick set, followed by the answer in each case…
Q1: The front cover of the new edition of ‘The Complete David Bowie’ (pictured above) features a photo that was taken on 26 March 1976. Now that you’re armed with that information… at which concert venue was the picture shot?
A1: Madison Square Garden, New York.
Q2: Bearing in mind that the previous edition of ‘The Complete David Bowie’ was published three years ago, among the latest additions to the updated A-Z of songs are two new entries which, alphabetically, fall immediately before and immediately after the song ‘Fame’. What are they?
A2: ‘Falling Down’ and ‘Fannin Street’…both, coincidentally, from Scarlett Johansson’s debut album of Tom Waits covers, Anywhere I Lay My Head. DB guested on both tracks, of course.
Here are five people who got those right and then also got lucky with The Random Generator…
If each of you could please let me know if you will be attending next weekend’s signing session/launch party. (08.27.2009 NEWS: NICK PEGG SIGNING LATEST EDITION OF COMPLETE BOWIE) If you are, Nick will sign your preferred dedication in front of your very eyes…
If, however, geographical and/or time constraints make it impossible for you to be there, then publisher Reynolds & Hearn Ltd. have generously offered to dispatch your book directly to you.
Either way, and just in case you don’t make it on the day, could all five of you please furnish me with your postal address and details of who you want the book to be signed to, ASAP…Please mention if you do plan to be there on Saturday too.