Holiday Message From Mr David Bowie

See the day when men of good will, Live in peace, live in peace again…

DB has sent in the following seasonal greeting for you all…


A giant happy holiday to everyone and a peaceful new year

David B


Thanks David …all love back to you and yours, and to everybody else, from everyone here at BowieNet.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to abuse my position and thank everyone reading this that has sent me cards, be they actual or electronic.

I’ll leave you with a link to an old story from The Washington Post, by Paul Farhi, entitled: Bing and Bowie: An Odd Story of Holiday Harmony.

It’s an interesting piece regarding the recording of the duet, Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy, for Bing Crosby’s Christmas show in September,1977.

The show aired in December the same year and the song became a #3 hit in the UK when it was released as single five years later in November 1982. (That’s the shop window poster above advertising the release.)

More than ever, this unlikely and wonderfully strange duet seems to be everywhere this year, and it seems to be topping many people’s favourite Christmas song lists…and rightly so…it’s still a very moving performance and its simple message remains a strong one, reiterated in David’s message today.