Battle For Britain (The Letter) Day 3…
For those of you that missed it, here’s a
There’s a brief interview with Terry Pastor, who, as you know, was the man responsible for colouring the Ziggy Stardust sleeve. (03.22.2007 NEWS: EXCLUSIVE TERRY PASTOR INTERVIEW) And there’s brief snippets of Bowie footage on two occasions in the report.
One of the points raised in the news item is the supposed rule-breaking in terns of “no living personality other than royalty is allowed to appear on a British stamp”.
Well, I know many reading this don’t see Ziggy‘s visage as particularly breaking that rule, seeing as how many consider him royalty anyway.
But, either way, Ziggy won’t have been the first to break that rule seeing as how a Mary Quant model appeared on a stamp for the British Design Classics series last January.
Not to mention The Beatles set of stamps in 2007 where all four Fabs were depicted on various Beatles album covers…I am reliably informed that two of their number are actually still with us.
Anyway, above is the third letter in our latest contest to win a signed Ziggy Stardust first day cover. See Friday’s original news item if you’re not sure what this is all about. (01.08.2010 NEWS: WIN ROYAL MAIL ZIGGY STARDUST FDC SIGNED BY BOWIE)
We’ve taken letters from several different Bowie album covers and your job over the next couple of weeks or so will be to identify the album each of the letters came from.
You don’t have to do anything just yet. But eventually you’ll not only have to identify the album the letter came from, but also the letters will form an anagram of a Bowie song title that you’ll need to work out.