With your silicone hump and your ten inch stump…Or: We’ll build a glass asylum…
Those of you still offended by the private parts of the half-dog half-Bowie creature on the Diamond Dogs album cover should try and time it right before you look at the image above, which has five seconds of censorship mode alternating with an equal amount of full-tackle-on-view mode. Watch for the red text in the corner of your eye before looking.
A friend of mine had the above model made after his favourite album cover. He paid a professional model maker to create the thing as a diorama in an eighteen inch long vivarium and I think you’ll agree he’s done a pretty good job.
I’ll leave you with another picture I took from a different angle using a flash…if you’ll excuse the pun…wherein you can see the hand-painted background too.
Speaking of manmade Bowie models…