Brian Duffy Opens His Archive For Bowie Print Sales

Secret secrets never seen…

Every once in a while something emerges for Bowie fans that just knocks us all for six.

Back in October last year when we mentioned photographer Brian Duffy‘s take on the Aladdin Sane session, (10.15.2009 NEWS: DUFFY TALKS ABOUT ALADDIN SANE SHOOT ON BBC) it was unclear what, if anything, survived of his David Bowie album sessions.

Then in January, with the broadcast of The Man Who Shot the 60s, (01.14.2010 NEWS: UNPUBLISHED BOWIE SHOTS IN DUFFY BBC FOUR DOCUMENTARY) things were looking up.

Previously unknown sessions with Duffy, such as the 1972 one above, surfaced on the documentary and it became clear that none of the Bowie sessions had been torched during Duffy’s infamous bonfire in 1979, and that they would indeed be made available as prints.

For years, it was feared that the only images from the Aladdin Sane session that still existed, were the two on the album sleeve itself and one alternate head shot that was used on the front of the 1973 album and tour leaflet, pictured at the top of this piece.

I spoke to Duffy’s son, Chris, around the time of the broadcast and he confirmed that the full Aladdin Sane session still existed…and here for the first time is proof of that…

How good is that?

Well, not only are the above colour Ziggy shots now available for purchase as a limited edition signed print, but so too is the above Aladdin Sane session contact sheet.

As if that wasn’t enough, all the other Bowie by Duffy sessions are now available to purchase, including the following previously unpublished images…

~ The Spiders From Mars from the Aladdin Sane session from 1973
~ The Thin White Duke photographed at White Sands, New Mexico, at the time of The Man Who Fell To Earth shoot in 1975 (see below)
~ Lodger front cover and behind the scenes outtakes from 1979
~ Scary Monsters cover shoot and make-up session with Richard Shara

Check out the Bowie section on the Duffy site under the sales tab, where you can also download a Bowie sizes and prices PDF containing all of the images available for sale.

However, there will be a new version of the PDF posted shortly that will include more affordable, smaller versions of some of the prints and we are also working on a discount on all of the prints for BowieNet members…so stay tuned for that update shortly too.

For those of you outside of the UK that missed The Man Who Shot the 60s, there’s a permalink on the Duffy site under the exhibits and links tab.

I’ll leave you with two more shots…below left is pretty obvious and below right is of DB either getting dressed or undressed for the Lodger session…you decide…

All photographic images in this news item are the sole copyright of The Duffy Archive Limited.