Boy, could he play guitar…
Here’s a bit from the introduction…
Among his many gifts, David Bowie?s knack for recruiting spectacularly talented guitarists ranks near the top. From Mick Ronson to Robert Fripp to Stevie Ray Vaughan and beyond, Bowie?s six-string sidemen have done some of their best playing while recording and performing on the glam-rock pioneer?s albums. Not surprisingly, Les Pauls have figured prominently in the bulk of those recordings.
You can view the full list
On the left above is a full-page advert for Framus guitars featuring Earl Slick from the July 2010 issue of Guitarist magazine. The advert bears the catchline: Earl and the Thin White Duke made history from “Station To Station” to “Reality”. Now Slick is backing another Rock ‘n’ Roll legend: Framus.
As you can see from the stunning cover on the right above, the same magazine also has a large Ronno feature described thus: 40 years on from Ronson and Bowie’s historic collaboration, Charles Shaar Murray celebrates this underrated guitar hero PLUS 10 Great Glam Guitarists.
Murray writes affectionately and it’s clear that he’s as big a fan of the Ronson sound as you or I. The article is illustrated with several pictures of Ziggy, Ronno and the other Spiders in full flight.
Thanx to guitar-mental Zardoz for the pointer to Guitarist magazine, which he did actually tell me about last week. Zardoz has a new angle on playing the guitar with his teeth, he takes out his full set of dentures and picks the strings with his sparkling gnashers that way…probably.
One Bowie guitarist that didn’t make it into the Gibson list, even though he deserves to be there in my humble, is one Gerry Leonard who nearly made me choke on my Cornflakes when he popped up on morning TV in some live footage from
Crowded House have been playing Moonage Daydream sporadically throughout their tour, including at two out of their three recent Hammersmith Apollo shows in London, and Neil Finn has hinted that the band may yet record a studio version of the 1972 classic.