Bbc's Radio 4 Vince Taylor Doc Reviewed In Guardian

He took it all too far…

I didn’t preview this one before it aired as I knew it would be available on listen again and there was the possibility it might have been a lot of old toffee.

In the event, BBC Radio 4’s Ziggy Stardust Came from Isleworth was a good listen, though the influence of Vince Taylor on the shaping of David Bowie’s doomed rock star creation was perhaps overstated.

Indeed, Bowie has fondly recalled, on more than one occasion, the intriguing story of his own personal encounters with an already damaged Taylor in London, (archive interview clips with Bowie were used in the documentary) and it’s no secret that Taylor was one of several colours on the pallet that helped create Ziggy Stardust.

Anyway, Elisabeth Mahoney in today’s Guardian pretty much echoes my sentiments, but you still have a few days to make up your own mind here if you didn’t listen to the original broadcast.