Florence Hearts Her Machine…the Tin One That Is

Read ’em pal and grin…

Florence Welch, off of Florence And The Machine, (above) has been expressing her love for the straightforward approach of another Machine…David Bowie’s Tin one!

Back in November last year she said this in her online blog: “Ps?.I have been wearing, a tin machine t shirt, that say?s ?fuck you I heart tin machine? ..x”

She recently reiterated how impressed she is with the T-shirt’s sentiment in an interview with Autostraddle. Here’s the relevant bit…


I talked to Welch while she was in New York City prepping for the MTV Music Video Awards ? about death, David Bowie and how much she loves hip-hop, among other topics.

Corey: What is the story behind the name Florence and The Machine?

Florence: What I like about the name is that I didn?t want it to just be a name. I didn?t want it to be a band name. I wanted it to be something that was ambiguous. As if it were me versus the machine or just me against my enemies with many different interpretations. The name itself came from a private joke between me and my friend, Isabella. We used to go to her studio and make music together and she was always on her MPC while I was just singing. The name originated from that collaboration.

It used to be much longer but it was shortened to just Florence and The Machine. When I first started out I would make up band names all the time, I went through many like Team Perfect, The Fat Kid. And this was the one that just stuck. It is industrial. It?s not pretty or girly and I like it. It?s like a silver machine. David Bowie had one, that band, Tin Machine. Do you know about David Bowie and Tin Machine?

Corey: No, I don?t. Was that one of his earlier bands?

Florence: It was a side project of his called Tin Machine. I was actually in this vintage store in New York City and found a t-shirt with David Bowie on it that said ?I heart Tin Machine?. I thought that was incredible. (laughs)


Of course, the Tin Machine T-shirt you couldn’t get for love nor money was the one modelled by the band’s singer, below.

Finally, if you’re reading this, Flo, get in touch and the actual real life sticker below is yours…you can stick it on your machine if you so desire!

FOOTNOTE: Members are welcome to print out the sticker and utilise it how they wish…this offer is not open to non-members who we’re trusting not to print it out.