Stationtostation Listening Party Live In Twenty Five

Check ignition…

If you’re a subscriber to the EMI Bowie newsletter, you should have had your e-mail reminder for this event in the last couple of hours.

We mentioned it a couple of days back, (09.21.2010 NEWS: STATIONTOSTATION LISTENING PARTY STARTS ON FRIDAY) but now the time is almost upon us for the David Bowie Station To Station Listening Party.

If you’ve not already registered your interest, nip over to the Station To Station Facebook page and click on the ‘Like’ button on the top left of the page.

Five Star Station To Station Review In The Sun

The Sun machine is coming down…

The Sun newspaper in the UK joins the ranks of those who consider Station To Station worthy of a top of the class, five out of five stars, review.

There it is above, a half-page scanned from the paper. However, there doesn’t seem to be an online version available, (unless you know differently) so here’s the text for your reading pleasure…

Double Page 8 Out Of 10 S2s Review In Classic Rock

It’s too late, to be late again…

I mentioned this one on the MBs last week. However, I’m sorry to say I neglected to post it here in the news, which is why it’s a bit late. (I knew I’d be able to crowbar today’s lyric quotation from Station To Station in somehow!)

It’s an 8 out of 10 S2S review by Paul Trynka and it’s in the October edition (iss 150) of Classic Rock magazine.

I’ll leave you with the concluding paragraphs…

Stationtostation Listening Party Starts On Friday

Commencing countdown, engines on…

As posted on the MBs earlier, on Friday September 24th at 4:00pm GMT, the David Bowie Ultimate Fan Page will be streaming an exclusive pre-release listening party of the entire forthcoming Station To Station and Live Nassau Coliseum ’76 albums.

Obviously this time isn’t convenient for everybody around the globe, however, the stream will play continually for three days, so you can join in any time after the 4:00pm GMT start time…in other words, you’ll be able to have a listen wherever and whenever you are on the planet.

Meanwhile, check out the Facebook tab by clicking on the grab above. We’ll be posting more detailed instructions on the day.

Official 2011 David Bowie Calendar Available Now

Me, I’m fresh on your pages…

After a short delay, the official 2011 David Bowie calendar which we told you about in June, (06.07.2010 NEWS: EXCLUSIVE OFFICIAL 2011 DAVID BOWIE CALENDAR DETAILS) is now finally published…well, on September 20th at least.

If you’ve ordered a copy online from one of the usual vendors, you should be receiving within the next day or two.

Stay tuned for a contest to win copies shortly…Though we currently have two contests on the go already, (09.15.2010 NEWS: WIN A COPY OF MANIMAL’S WE WERE SO TURNED ON… + 09.16.2010 NEWS: TEN PROMO STATION TO STATION T-SHIRTS TO BE WON) and we have a couple more Station To Station related ones to come…and even more after that!

Oh, did I mention that David has kindly agreed to sign the ten contest calendars again this year? No? Well he has. What a jolly good egg.

The Re-return Of The Thin White Duke

Any day now…

Good to see the above full-page advert in a couple of the UK music monthlies. Not that it needs advertising particularly with all the great reviews and features regarding this release so far.

As you know, the main release date is September 27th, (28th in North America) however, some lucky territories are getting the packages a few days early.

Check out this global release dates table to see if you’re one of the lucky ones who’ll be able to purchase earlier than the rest of us.

David Bowie – Station to Station – Global Release Dates

I should point out that this table was created a few weeks ago and I need to check the reliability of some of those dates. I can’t imagine India already had theirs back on the 7th for example, I think that may be a mistake.

Apparently Japan will also release a locally manufactured version of the 3CD on 10th November.

FOOTNOTE: Please let us know of any adverts and press for the Station To Station reissue programme where you live. Better still, please feel free to send in scans.

Five Star S2s Reviews In Today's Mirror And Independent

Yes I’ve read the morning papers…

Well they just keep coming…two more five star reviews for the Station To Station reissue, this time from Gavin Martin in the Daily Mirror and Andy Gill in The Independent.

If you can’t quite make out the scans we’ve used, then you can read the reviews online by clicking on the relevant masthead.

While we’re rounding-up newspaper reviews, this one in Ireland’s Herald is worth a read. It’s by George Byrne and you can read it online here. I’ll leave you with the concluding paragraph just for the hell of it…

“Re-released in special and deluxe formats Station to Station still sounds as fresh as it did 34 years ago and comes complete with lots of extras, including a freshly remastered version of the legendary concert at Nassau Coliseum from March 1976. A landmark album from a landmark career.”

Bowie On Cover Of Times Playlist Magazine Tomorrow

He’ll show you tomorrow…

I’m not allowed to say any more than that right now, but tune in early tomorrow when we will expand upon this tantalising glimpse of The Times’ Playlist magazine.

Have to say though, that cover does put me in mind of a Sunday Times Magazine cover from around thirty five years ago…

Who said “fashions may come and go, but style is timeless”? Well, whoever it was, how true is it in this particular case?

See you in the morning.

Celebrity Fans Reflect On Bowie's Genius In The Times

He’s so divine, his soul shines…

As promised yesterday, (09.17.2010 NEWS: BOWIE ON COVER OF TIMES PLAYLIST MAGAZINE TOMORROW) here’s a bit more regarding today’s Playlist magazine, which comes with today’s Times newspaper in the UK.

Firstly, if you’re a Times subscriber you can read the whole thing online here, and you also have the opportunity to enter a contest to win a copy of the Deluxe Box Set. However, for those of you that don”t subscribe, here’s a breakdown of the feature.

The main body of the text was written by Cameron Crowe for the liner notes of the reissue of Station to Station, and you’ll be able to read those when the album comes out in a little over a week.

However, the remainder of the piece is taken up with four appreciations of the genius of David Bowie by Paul Weller, Tracey Emin, Morrissey and Annie Lennox. Here follows a paragraph excerpt from each, though the Morrissey contribution is only a paragraph anyway.

Obviously they all have some special things to say about the impact of David Bowie on their lives and it’s really worth getting your hands on a copy to read the full thing.

Please bear in mind that the headlines to each item may no longer make sense as we are only using excerpts…the Tracy Emin piece being the best example of this. And so, over to the fans…


Paul Weller on Bowie?s unique allure

Bowie always had his finger on the pulse and was a cut above everyone else. He brought glamour back to music and rock n? roll and a lot of those kids wouldn?t have normally listened to someone like him but, even though he was androgynous and camp, he was held in such high esteem that a lot of those rough working class kids really adored Bowie and, it might sound like a cliché, but there were a few right hard thugs I knew that said he was the only geezer they?d ever consider shagging. Round my way there were a few blokes who were brave enough to wear a bit of make up of a Saturday night, which is chancing your f****ing arm just a bit in Woking, but he held a very special position. He had this art side and a street side as well and always looked cool. I?ll always take my hat off to him.


Tracey Emin on Bowie?s hunger for knowledge, and public transport

But the amazing thing about him is that he has a profound effect on people and it is a lot deeper than just fashion and clothing. It isn?t just how you look. My favourite album is Young Americans and the single is my all time favourite single and when I did Desert Island discs that was the track I took with me and when I went to a desert island I actually did take it with me. Bowie was a real maverick, but if you talk to David about it he is very self effacing. He looked up to Andy Warhol and when he first went to New York he was so green and wide eyed and none of the Warhol lot even acknowledged his presence but he was so enthusiastic and naive ? hence the song about Warhol on Hunky Dory. But the other thing about Bowie was if you were into him and dressed a bit odd you weren?t thought of as weird. He was like this satellite of love ? excuse the pun ? but he made you feel normal which is important when you grow up. Aligning yourself with him meant that you weren?t weird – it was just that everyone else was really very boring. A lot tried to look like him or just cobbled together a look from a mixture of his looks – the word zootheque comes to mind ? the seventies were like that and a lot of people looked like a hybrid of Bowie. I saw him live many times and it was a privilege.


Morrissey on Bowie?s elegant femininity

When he launched himself on Top of the Pops and Lift Off with Ayshea singing Starman, there was no doubt that this was fanatically homosexual; it was a darker force and it was in Bowie?s eyes, his mouth, his voice, and it was menace and he really didn?t care at all about dislodging people. Bowie had an elegant femininity about him, which suddenly made Bolan seem too short to sit at the table. And that, I?m afraid, was that.


Annie Lennox on a memorable duet

We performed Under Pressure together at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley in 1992. I was one of the very few female performers. I can be quite shy, and I knew that for me doing that performance was the pinnacle of any performance I could ever give. It?s not every day that you get to perform with David Bowie. And I thought, I’m gonna savour this for ever. I wanted to be his counterpart in the performance. So when we were having the rehearsal, he said, as an offhand remark just before I left, ?oh, by the way, what are you gonna wear? Why dont you get Anthony Price to make the dress.? And I left the rehearsal thinking, ?shit, gotta get a dress.?


As I say, these are merely excerpts and I’ve noticed that there is more in the online versions than there is in the Playlist magazine. I’ll post the full things on the MBs in a week or so.