Ferry On The Notion Of Working With Bowie In The Quietus

Takes me right back, when we were young…

Earlier today, The Quietus published an interview with Bryan Ferry who is promoting his latest album, Olympia.

BF was interviewed by Chris Roberts and following a list of guest players on the album, which included David Gilmour and Nile Rodgers, the subject turned to collaborations…Over to Bryan and Chris…


BF: ?I was shy of collaboration in the past. When you start off your career, it?s always me me me. ‘Oh no, I?ve got plenty of ideas, I don?t need anybody else to interfere.’ If, say, David Bowie had said in ?73, ‘Oh can we write together?’ I?d have said no, I?m not interested.?

CR: What if Bowie said that tomorrow? (This flies out of my mouth with an unpremeditated excess of zeal).

BF: ?Ah…that could be…ah, maybe, yeah. I?d be interested in anybody that I liked.? .


Well, for obvious reasons I wouldn’t get too excited about the possibility of this ever happening, but what a lovely thought it is.

You can read the full thing here.