Db Has One Word For Bowie Jagger Film Script

Jagger: “David, didn’t they teach you to get your haircut at school? You look
like a Rolling Stone!”
Bowie: “Oi Mick, that’s my gag…I’m not showing you my new shoes for that!”

Laugh at the notion…

This story first broke on Saturday courtesy of The Sun newspaper in the UK. I was hoping it would just flap around in the dirt a bit and die. But, alas and alak, in the absence of any official denial of the tale, it’s been picked up and is currently flying around the globe as if it were gospel.

Well here comes that official comment, straight from the equine north ‘n south…yes, that would be David Bowie and he summed up the notion that he is, or has been, working with Mick Jagger on a film script for an upcoming comedy with this well-chosen word: “Piffle”.

That should do it.