Page Hamilton Remembers The End Of A Century

Put your Helmet on…

Page Hamilton has been talking to Noisecreep about his experiences playing guitar with one of his musical heroes, David Bowie, on the ‘hours…’ promotional tour at the tail-end of 1999.

Here’s a bit from the interview…

“It was a huge confidence boost to play with one of my idols. One of the guys who is considered one of the Big Three, or Big Four — including The Kinks, The Beatles, The Stones and Bowie. They influenced everybody.”

Both the pictures on this page are shots of Page and DB that I took on that tour. The one above is from the now defunct London venue, The Astoria, which took place on December 2nd, 1999.

The shot below is from the last show David Bowie played in the 20th Century, which was at the Vega in Copenhagen a few days later on the 7th. Cracking shows both, as I’m sure you will agree if you were there.

You can read the full interview here, but I’ll leave you with another snippet from it including some sage advice for those of you hoping to become pop singers from David Bowie himself…

“I just listened. He called me his Quiet One, because I didn’t talk a lot. I just listened. I wanted to learn what he had to say about songwriting. One day, he turned to me at rehearsal and said, ‘Advice for budding young songwriters — I make half my songs from Danny Kaye’s ‘Inchworm.’ Danny Kaye’s ‘Inchworm’? Uh, OK. He talked about Roy Orbison influencing ‘Ashes to Ashes,’ trying to do that falsetto high melody thing.”